14-Apr-2015: Version 2.6.0 of WordPress File Upload Plugin Released

New version, 2.6.0, of WordPress File Upload plugin has just been released.

This is a major release that contains a significantly improved upload algorithm, bug fixes and capability improvements.

The most important highlight of this version is its redesigned upload algorithm. The aim was to make it as robust as possible, so that uploading of very large files does not fail in any circumstances. Indeed, after thorough testing in various conditions, this version will continue to upload the files even if you turn-off and then turn-on again your internet connection! It has been tested on all major browsers and smartphones.

Another important improvement is the shortcode generation. Previous versions contained a Shortcode Composer to facilitate the generation of the shortcode, but you had to go to Dashboard / Settings / WordPress File Upload / Shortcode Composer, make the changes to the shortcode options and finally copy and paste the generated shortcode inside the page of interest. Now with this version you can launch the Shortcode Composer straight from the page where you have the plugin by pressing the small Edit button on the left-top corner of the plugin that shows up whenever you hover the mouse over the plugin:


Any changes you make to the Shortcode Composer will be straight reflected on the plugin, withour any additional actions required and without any knowledge of shortcodes.

Other improvements of this version are as follows:

  • Several bug fixes in plugin’s features (subfolders, userdata, captcha, file downloads, database operations).
  • New attributes added (forcefilename, ftppassivemode and ftpfilepermissions).
  • Added internal options to impose maximum number of chunks and files that can be concurrently uploaded. Although they are internal options, they can be easily edited with minimum knowledge of coding. Future versions of the plugin will include them as standard attributes.
  • Javascript and CSS files of the plugin are minified, so that they load more quickly.

Please note that many users requested to replace the captcha, because it has become very difficult to resolve. It was not included in this release, because of the effort it requires. The next version of the plugin will include Google Recaptcha v2, which is much easier.

Users who have purchased the Professional version of the plugin can download the latest one by logging into their Iptanus account, selecting the order and downloading the new file.

Users of the Free version can update to the latest one using the Update feature of the Plugins section of their Dashboard.

Iptanus team is constantly striving to make WordPress File Upload plugin more user friendly and more bug free, so it will continue issuing new releases. It is reminded that users of the Professional version, will have free updates of the plugin for a lifetime!!! 

For any questions, bugs or information please contact us.

The Iptanus team

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