21-Sep-2015: Version 3.3.0 of WordPress File Upload Plugin Released

New version, 3.3.0 of WordPress File Upload plugin has just been released, followed by version 3.3.1 to correct a bug.

This is a major release as it contains a long waiting feature, use of many types of user fields, such as multi-line text boxes, emails, checkboxes, listboxes etc. A separate article, describing the new field types, their options, use and syntax has been issued. An example of the new feature is shown below:


In order to make the new feature even more flexible, placements attribute has been extended to accept user fields in many positions of the plugin at the same time. For instance on the above screenshot a text field and an email field have been added above the select button and a checkbox field has been added below.

Of course, the Shortcode Composer has been updated to support these additions and assist configure the plugin very easily.

Please note that despite the large amount of changes, backward compatibility is maintained. This means that the new version of the plugin will read the existing shortcodes just fine.

You can check details in the Release Notes of the plugin’s support page.

Users who have purchased the Professional version of the plugin can download the latest one by logging into their Iptanus account, selecting the order and downloading the new file.

Users of the Free version can update to the latest one using the Update feature of the Plugins section of their Dashboard.

Iptanus team is constantly striving to make WordPress File Upload plugin more user friendly and more bug free, so it will continue issuing new releases. It is reminded that users of the Professional version, will have free updates of the plugin for a lifetime!!! 

For any questions, bugs or information please contact us.

The Iptanus team

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