New Version 4.2.0 of WordPress File Upload Plugin

Monday, 4-December-2017. New version 4.2.0 of WordPress File Upload plugin has just been released.

This is a significant update bringing two modifications, which are not visible to the users, however they improve its performance.

The first one makes the plugin work better when caching is enabled, either from another plugin (e.g. Autoptimize or W3 Total Cache) or from the web server. Speaking more technically, the plugin will render correctly and without errors either its Javascript files load early (in page header) or late (in footer).

The second improvement relates to compression and simplification of the plugin’s inline CSS and Javascript code. The result is that a page containing the upload form will load a bit faster.

Other less significant changes of this version relate to bug fixes and code improvements.

You can check more details in the Release Notes of the plugin’s support page.

Users who have purchased the Professional version of the plugin can download the latest one by logging into their Iptanus account, selecting the order and downloading the new file. Instructions for installing the new version can be found here.

Users of the Free version can update to the latest one using the Update feature of the Plugins section of their Dashboard.

Iptanus team is constantly striving to make WordPress File Upload plugin more user friendly and more bug free, so it will continue issuing new releases. It is reminded that users of the Professional version, will have free updates of the plugin for a lifetime!!!

For any questions, bugs or information please contact us.

The Iptanus team

7 thoughts on “New Version 4.2.0 of WordPress File Upload Plugin”

    1. Hi, here are resources about the plugin:

      1. The plugin support page, where all features, shortcode attributes and their syntax are described.
      2. The Technical Articles section of Iptanus portal, where the most important features are described in detail.
      3. This article, that provides links to the plugin’s features.
      4. Iptanus portal has a search bar for searching articles by keyword.
      5. Of course, technical support by Iptanus team.



  1. Can not select a file when using the newest Google Chrome Version 63.0.3239.108 (Official Build) (64-bit) and Plugin Version 4.2.0
    It does work with IE11 though

    1. Hi Ahsan, I replied to you yesterday but the email did not get through. Here is the answer again:

      1. I do not know about it, you will have to try. You can download and test the free version from here.
      2. The Dashboard file viewer of the plugin displays only the files of the logged user. The front-end file viewer is more flexible and can filter the files in many ways. Here is an article describing the file viewers of the plugin.
      3. Yes you can have different folders per user. For instance, if you set uploadpath like this: /uploads/%username% then %useraname% will be replaced by the username of the current user.
      4. No the settings are the same. What do you mean?
      5. I do not know what exactly do you mean. The plugin has hooks that can run after (or before) upload and perform custom actions using PHP.
      6. I think this is a matter of the FTP server if it can handle so many concurrent requests. Nevertheless, the plugin is designed to handle them.



      1. Thank you for the quick response.
        I will test the free version soon and will let you know how it goes.
        If I have any further questions I will definitly contact you again.

        Nonetheless if I do come across any coding hurdles would it be possible to ask for support in order to get it working.

        sorry I did not save the email so I do not remeber what my points where.
        But Thank you for a detailed response.

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