Store Uploaded Files to Cloud Storage

WordPress File Upload plugin enables WordPress website owners to securely store uploaded files to cloud storage.

Currently the most popular cloud storage services are supported:

  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Amazon S3

Files are first uploaded to the website. Then the plugin transfers them to the cloud storage service defined in the upload form shortcode. The transfer is done in the background without affecting the regular operation of the website.

store uploaded files to cloud process

The whole process of connecting the plugin to the cloud storage services and transferring the files is done at the server side. No authorization information (passwords, tokens) is exposed to the front-end and to the users who upload files to the website. This makes the process highly secure.

The plugin supports transfer of files of unlimited filesize to the cloud storage services. To do this, it employes a unique asynchronous methodology to bypass web server and PHP limitations.

Separate technical articles provide instructions how to configure WordPress File Upload plugin to use Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive and Amazon S3 cloud services.

Support for additional cloud services, like Microsoft Azure Storage and WebDAV are scheduled for future versions of the plugin, so stay tuned!

For additional information or technical support, you can contact us.

The Iptanus Team

6 thoughts on “Store Uploaded Files to Cloud Storage”

  1. Jonathan Miller

    Hi I’m having trouble adjusting the style of my uploader and getting it to send files to my Google DropBox. How do i type in the path for google drive?

    1. Hi, suppose that you have a folder Inbox inside your Dropbox account. Then you should put /Inbox in Dropbox Upload Path.



  2. Elizabeth Martin Martinez

    Buenos días, estoy intentando instalar el plugin file upload, pero me sale en siguiente mensaje: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wordpress_file_upload_preload_check() (previously declared in /home/rotamclo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/wordpress_file_upload.php:66) in /home/rotamclo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/wordpress_file_upload.php on line 66

    Que puedo hacer, Gracias estaré atenta.

  3. This article says that the files uploaded first get transfered to the website and then from the website to the cloud storage. I’m wondering, will the files remain in the website as well or will they be deleted once transfered to the cloud storage?

    1. Hi, there is an option to delete the local file (the one in the website) automatically after it has been transferred to the cloud service.



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