Version 2.0.2 of WordPress File Upload Released

Please note that the new version 2.0.2 of WordPress File Upload plugin has just been released.

This version addresses some important bugs of previous version, that caused breaking of pages. There are also some improvements and bug fixes in the Shortcode Composer, user fields and notifications messages.

Free users of the plugin can download it from, or by clicking straight here, or by performing update of the plugin through their Dashboard.

Users who have purchased the Professional version of the plugin can download the latest version by logging into their Iptanus account, selecting the order and downloading the new file.

For any questions, bugs or information please contact us.

The Iptanus team

5 thoughts on “Version 2.0.2 of WordPress File Upload Released”

  1. Hi, I really like your plug-in. Thanks for making it.

    Is there a way to have the uploaded file shows up in the Media Library?

  2. Hi, I purchased the PRO version of WordPress File Upload earlier a few months ago and I see there is an update. Can you tell me how to update the file in WordPress. I downloaded it, but don’t see how to actually put it into WordPress. Sorry, I am not a developer and the installation instructions I found would not open. Thank you.

    1. Nickolas Bossinas


      from the Plugins section of your Dashboard first deactivate and then delete the existing Pro version. Then install the new one by selecting Add New plugin and then upload from file.


  3. I am using Version 4.10.2 of WordPress File Upload, and had to downgrade my wordpress to version 4.9.9 as shown to be supported on the plugins website:

    All of a sudden it stopped working. Checkbox’s and dropdown’s do not work and the Select File button opens an explorer window but when the file is selected that file does not show in the path view nor does it get uploaded when selecting the upload file button.

    Any idea what might have happened? This plugin has worked great up to this point and I am struggling to find a solution for my users. It is important that I find a solution and would very much appreciate your help.

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