WordPress File Upload Plugin and WordPress.com

This article explains the problems of installing WordPress File Upload plugin in a WordPress website hosted in WordPress.com.

WordPress.com is a popular provider of WordPress-specific web hosting for easily building personal or corporate WordPress websites.

Website owners who have their website hosted in WordPress.com may have noticed that WordPress File Upload plugin cannot be activated after being installed in their website. The message received is:

"wp-file-upload" is not supported in WordPress.com

This message is received because WordPress.com does not allow all plugins to be activated. A detailed explanation can be found here. WordPress File Upload is included in the list of “Database / File System Altering Plugins“.

Contacts were made with WordPress.com in order to discuss and explore solutions on this problem. Unfortunately it turns out that they do not allow files to be uploaded through plugins. Here is their answer:

If customers need to upload any specific file to any directory on their sites, they can contact us so we can check if the files are safe to upload, and do it on their behalf.

Global Happiness Engineer @ Automattic.com

In this respect, WordPress File Upload cannot work on websites hosted in WordPress.com. This applies both for the Free and Professional version.

We are very sorry for this unfortunate situation. If you want more information about this problem do not hesitate to Contact us.

The Iptanus Team

2 thoughts on “WordPress File Upload Plugin and WordPress.com”

  1. Good morning,
    I am getting several error messages which I shall forward.
    First though, can you allow .webm video files please?Peter

    1. Hi, to allow webm extensions, just set Allowed File Extensions in the shortcode like this: *.*, *.webm



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