WordPress File Upload is a WordPress plugin.
With this plugin you, or other users, can upload files to your WordPress website from any page easily and securely, while it has many features and capabilities as shown below:
The plugins comes in two versions, professional and free. The professional version contains additional features as shown in the following comparison chart.
A screenshot of the plugin in its most simple form is shown below.
Simply put the shortcode [wordpress_file_upload] to the contents of any WordPress page and you will be able to upload files to any directory inside wp-contents of your WordPress site.
The features of the plugin in detail are:
- It enables uploads of files from a page, post or sidebar (as a widget).
- It captures video/screenshots from the webcam and uploads it.
- It is responsive and uses the latest HTML5 technology, however it will also work with old browsers and mobile phones.
- It supports additional form fields (like checkboxes, text fields, email fields, dropdown lists etc).
- It can be used as a simple contact form to submit data (a selection of file can be optional).
- It can upload files of any size, regardless of web server restrictions (Professional version).
- It can upload files to a Dropbox ,Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Amazon S3 account (Professional version).
- It can upload files to an FTP server using ftp and secure ftp (sftp) protocols.
- Multiple instances of the plugin are supported.
- It allows selection and upload of many files at the same time (Professional version).
- Users can view, download or delete their uploaded files, either from the Dashboard, or from a page or post (Professional version).
- It supports drag and drop of files (Professional version).
- The very robust upload algorithm of the plugin includes internal auto-resuming capabilities that enable uploads to continue even when there are connection problems (e.g. connection interruptions), which is very useful when uploading very large files (Professional version).
- It includes an overall upload progress bar.
- It includes details and progress bars for each file individually (Professional version).
- It includes the new Google Recaptcha as a security feature for protecting against robots (Professional version).
- It allows image files to be shown as image gallery from a page or post (Professional version).
- It supports localization.
- Uploaded files can be added to Media, or be attached to the current page.
- Uploaded files can be added to NextGEN galleries.
- It is highly customizable with many (more than 50) options.
- It produces notification messages through e-mails.
- It produces notification messages through Facebook Messenger (Professional version).
- It supports categorization of uploads by selecting categories from a list.
- It supports redirection to another url after successful upload.
- It supports filters and actions before and after file upload as well as before email notifications, so that programmers can extend the plugin and make it cooperate with other plugins.
- It supports logging of upload events or management of files, which can be viewed by admins through the Dashboard.
- The shortcode can be edited very easily using the included visual editor, without requiring any knowledge about shortcodes.
- It includes dedicated Gutenberg blocks for easily adding the shortcodes inside posts and pages (Professional version).
- It includes an Admin Bar item that displays the number of new uploaded files.
- It includes an Uploaded Files top-level menu item in the Dashboard, from where admins can view the uploaded files.
- It includes a file browser for administrators in the Dashboard, from where they can manage the files.
- It includes a css editor to better style the plugin using custom css (Professional version).
- It supports secure (https) websites.
- First install the plugin using WordPress auto-installer or download the .zip file from wordpress.org and install it from the Plugins section of your Dashboard or copy wordpress_file_upload directory inside wp-contents/plugins directory of your wordpress site..
- Activate the plugin from Plugins section of your Dashboard.
- In order to use the plugin simply go to the Dashboard / Settings / WordPress File Upload and follow the instructions in Uploader Instances or alternatively put the shortcode [wordpress_file_upload] in the contents of any page.
- If you want to add a list of uploaded files in a page or post, go to the Dashboard / Settings / WordPress File Upload and follow the instructions in Uploaded File List Instances or alternatively put the shortcode [wordpress_file_upload_browser] in the contents of any page.
- Open the page on your browser and you will see the upload form (or the list of files).
- You can view the uploaded files from Uploaded Files top-level Dashboard menu item.
- You can change the upload directory or any other settings easily by pressing the small edit button found at the left-top corner of the upload form (or the list of files). A new window (or tab) with pop up with plugin options. If you do not see the new window, adjust your browser settings to allow pop-up windows.
- Full documentation about the plugin options can be found at the section Attributes below, or at https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-file-upload/other_notes/.
A handy Getting Started guide can be found here.
You can download the free version of the plugin by pressing the FREE version button below, or you can go for the professional version that offers multiple file uploads, captcha and much more by pressing the PRO version button. It is noted that users of the professional version will get free updates of the plugin for a lifetime.
The plugin offers many options for the two shortcodes, so that they can be tailored to any requirements. These options are available in the following links:
From version 2.4.1 filters and actions are supported in order to allow programmers to integrate WordPress File Upload plugin with other plugins, extend its capabilities or perform advanced operations.
A detailed list of the plugin’s filters and actions can be found in this article.
Release Notes
Version 4.16.3
- Improved sanitization and escaping of shortcode attributes to avoid XSS attacks.
- File type .svg moved to blacklist to avoid XSS attacks coming from scripts inside SVG files.
- Added security check to forbid uploads inside wp-content/plugin directory.
- Improved handling of videoname and imagename file uploader shortcode attributes to avoid directory traversal attacks.
- Improved /lib loader to avoid arbitrary code execution through injected image files.
- Improved /extensions loader to avoid arbitrary code execution through injected image files (Pro version).
- All wfu_blocks.php functions became redeclareable.
- Corrected bug where uploads were not working when dragdrop was deactivated (Pro version).
Version 4.16.2
- Corrected additional PHP8 warnings: “PHP Deprecated: Required parameter … follows optional parameter … in wfu_gdrive_functions.php on line 51 and 114” (Pro version).
Version 4.16.1
- Corrected PHP8 warning: “PHP Deprecated: Required parameter $GService follows optional parameter $parentID in wfu_gdrive_functions.php on line 30” (Pro version).
- Corrected $_SESSION variable problem in maintenance purge function.
- Added IamException.php in Amazon S3 library (Pro version).
Version 4.16.0
- Major restructuring of external libraries.
- Added option to upload files to an Amazon S3 bucket (Pro version).
- Added option in Settings to connect to an Amazon S3 account (Pro version).
- Added options in upload form’s shortcode to upload files to an Amazon S3 bucket (Pro version).
- Added options in Maintenance Actions to reset or clear Amazon S3 uploads (Pro version).
- Added Remote Files section in Dashboard area of the plugin from where admins can manage remote files stored in cloud services (Pro version).
- Dropbox v1 version removed (Pro version).
- Visual editor edit button misalignment fixed.
- Updated Facebook Messenger page access token (Pro version).
- Corrected drag-drop bug so that it is not allowed to add files on an upload form by dragging during a running upload (Pro version).
- Corrected echo problem when recording from webcam with sound.
- Selective’s Image Type library functions became an extension so that it is loaded only when necessary (Pro version).
Version 4.15.0
- Added image file check using Selective’s Image Type library (Pro version).
- COOKIEHASH bug corrected.
- Improved support for FTP and SFTP uploads, which are now included in all plugin file viewers (Pro version).
- Credentials in FTP and SFTP paths are stripped from the paths.
- Corrected File Detais to File Details.
- Corrected WFU_USERFILTER advanced option description (Pro version).
- get_option( “wordpress_file_upload_unfinished_data” ) corrected to get_option( “wordpress_file_upload_unfinished_data”, array() ); in functions.php.
- regex “/<style>(.*)<\/style><script.*?>(.*)<\/script>(.*)/s” changed to “/<style>(.*)<\/style>.*?<script.*?>(.*)<\/script>(.*)/s” in functions.php.
- Corrected notice: Undefined index: post in wfu_admin.php when the website has no posts.
Version 4.14.4
- Restored .po files in languages so that users can change translations.
Version 4.14.3
- Slight change in wfu_get_filtered_recs to handle cases where b.date_from is null (Pro version).
- Code improvements to increase loading speed of plugin’s file viewers and browsers (Pro version).
- Added wfu_mime_content_type() function that uses several methods to get MIME type of a file and avoid errors transferring files to Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive (Pro version).
Version 4.14.2
- Corrected warning “Undefined index: upload_data” in front-end file viewer when including Remote Link column (Pro version).
- Code improved so that upload message colors correctly adjust to shortcode color settings.
- Slight modifications to upload message colors while upload is in progress.
- Bug fix that throwed warnings in front-end file viewer when a userdata value was NULL (Pro version).
- Corrected bug that was preventing more than one downloads from the front-end file viewer when restrict front end loading was active (Pro version).
- Plugin cookie names adjusted in case COOKIEHASH does not exist.
- Corrected bug of the new plugin updater causing a warning when there are plugins that do not have their own subdirectory (Pro version).
- Closing tags removed from all PHP files to avoid “Headers already sent” errors.
- Corrected bug where the uploads counter was showing to non-administrators.
- wfu_log_action and wfu_process_files functions became redeclarable.
- Removed debug_log from wfu_process_files_queue.
- Consent Yes/No question was added in translation.
- Corrected locale of Greek translation.
Version 4.14.1
- Added option in file viewer the define the default sorting column and sort order (Pro version).
- Fixed webcam play button bug.
- Fixed bug of the new auto-updater erroneoulsy showing some times that there is an updated version (Pro version).
- Corrected issue with implode() function of minifier library appearing in websites having PHP > 7.4.2.
- wfu_admin.php modified to use wfu_ajaxurl() function.
Version 4.14.0
- Added new auto-updater for Professional version using Iptanus Services endpoints (Pro version).
- Added mechanism to deactivate hooks when one of them breaks the website.
- Added filter _wfu_get_params for better customization of the plugin.
- Readme file split for Free and Pro version (Pro version).
Version 4.13.1
- File checking of uploaded files hardened to better handle xss attacks coming through uploaded image files.
Version 4.13.0
- Corrected security vulnerability where remote code could be executed using directory traversal method. Credits to p4w security expert for identifying the vulnerability.
- Added uploader shortcode options ‘Share/List Google Drive File’, ‘Share/List Dropbox File’ and ‘Share/List OneDrive File’ so that when uploaded files are transferred to cloud services, sharable links are stored in plugin’s database (Pro version).
- Plugin logic modified so that it can display remote files (files that have been transferred to cloud services and no longer exist in the website)(Pro version).
- Added option ‘Show Remote Files’ in file viewer shortcode, so that remote files are shown in the front-end file viewer (Pro version).
- Added advanced option ‘Back-end Browser Show Remote Files’, so that remote files are shown in the back-end file viewer (Pro version).
- Added ‘Remote Link’ column in file viewer shortcode, to display cloud service link of the uploaded file in the front-end file viewer (Pro version).
- Added ‘Remove Remote’ actions in front-end and back-end file viewers, so that remote files can be removed from the plugin’s database (Pro version).
- Uploaded Files Dashboard menu modified to show remote files and also cloud services links (Pro version).
- Correction of various bugs in file viewers (Pro version).
- Front-end file viewer has been optimized to handle thousands of files (Pro version).
- Improved user check algorithm during upload, related to upload parameters array.
- Corrected bug where Restricted Page Loading was working only for pages, all other post types were loading the plugin files as if there was no restriction.
Version 4.12.2
- Added elementor extension which makes the plugin compatible with Elementor page builder (Pro version).
- Code modified so that wordpress file upload widget is disabled with Elementor page builder (Pro version).
- Corrected bug where files could not be downloaded in some server environments when dboption user state handler was enabled.
Version 4.12.1
- Corrected bug where files could not be downloaded from front-end file viewer after update to version 4.12.0 (Pro version).
- Corrected bug where files could not be downloaded from Dashboard / Uploaded Files page.
- Corrected uploader template uploader-AdvancedFileList.php which was incomplete (Pro version).
Version 4.12.0
- Added cookies user state handler that has been integrated with dboption as ‘Cookies (DBOption)’ to comply with WordPress directives not to use session.
- ‘Cookies (DBOption)’ user state handler has been set as the default one.
- Added advanced option WFU_US_DBOPTION_BASE so that dboption can also work with session.
- Added advanced option WFU_US_SESSION_LEGACY to use the old session functionality of the plugin, having session_start() in header.
- Added auto-adjustment of user state handler to ‘dboption’ during activation (or update) of the plugin, except when there are active hooks using session.
- Added the ability to run PHP processes in queue, which is necessary for correctly handling uploads when user state handler is dboption.
- Bug “Error: [] cURL error 28” in WordPress Site Health disappears when setting user state handler to ‘Cookies (DBOption)’ or when WFU_US_SESSION_LEGACY advanced option is false.
- Added warnings in hooks when user state handler configuration does not support session and there are active hooks using session (Pro version).
- Improved dboption user state handler to better handle parallel transactions occurring during chunked uploads (Pro version).
- Corrected bug where export data file was not deleted after download.
- Added sftp using phpseclib library (Pro version).
- Corrected bug where notification email was not sent in case of failed chunks that were resumed (Pro version).
- Corrected bug in FTP credentials configurator about double backslash (\\) issue.
- Improved functionality and control of file downloader.
Version 4.11.2
- Corrected bug where Gutenberg editor breaks when a Custom HTML block is added on the page.
- Added easier configuration of FTP Credentials (ftpinfo) attribute of the uploader shortcode.
Version 4.11.1
- added NextGEN Gallery support, now uploaded files can be added in a NextGEN gallery (Pro version).
- added upload form shortcode attribute ‘nextgen’ to enable inclusion of uploaded files in a NextGEN gallery (Pro version).
- added upload form shortcode attribute ‘ngg_description’ to add a custom description to the file added in NextGEN gallery (Pro version).
- added upload form shortcode attribute ‘ngg_alttext’ to add a custom Alt/title text to the file added in NextGEN gallery (Pro version).
- added upload form shortcode attribute ‘ngg_tags’ to add custom tags to the file added in NextGEN gallery (Pro version).
- added upload form shortcode attribute ‘ngg_exclude’ to set ‘Exclude’ property of the file added in NextGEN gallery (Pro version).
- corrected bug in functions wfu_manage_mainmenu() and wfu_manage_mainmenu_editor() that were echoing and not returning the generated HTML.
- corrected bug in front-end file viewer generating $roleid error when filtering based on users (Pro version).
- added fix for compatibility with Fast Velocity Minify plugin.
Version 4.11.0
- added Gutenberg blocks for uploader and browser shortcodes (Pro version).
- user request to have reusable shortcodes can now be implemented with Gutenberg reusable blocks (Pro version).
- code improved so that shortcode composer can be used by all users who can edit pages (and not only the admins).
- added environment variable ‘Show Shortcode Composer to Non-Admins’ to control whether non-admin users can edit the shortcodes.
- added filtering of get_users() function in order to handle websites with many users more efficiently.
- corrected bug where case-insensitive search in front-end file viewer was not working for non-latin characters (Pro version).
- added notification in shortcode composer if user leaves page without saving.
- corrected bug where restricted frontend loading of the plugin was not working for websites installed in localhost due to wrong calculation of request uri.
- added environment variable ‘Google ReCaptchaV2 Host’ to define Google ReCaptchaV2 host – fix for China (Pro version).
Version 4.10.3
- shortcode composer became more responsive to look better on small screens.
- added the ability to move one or more files to another folder through the File Browser feature in Dashboard area of the plugin.
Version 4.10.2
- added wordpress_file_upload_preload_check() function in main plugin file to avoid conflicts of variable names with WordPress.
- updated webcam code to address createObjectURL Javascript error that prevented webcam feature to work in latest versions of browsers.
Version 4.10.1
- code modified so that vendor libraries are loaded only when necessary.
- improved process of deleting all plugin options.
- OneDrive code modified to work better with Business OneDrive accounts (Pro version).
- added honeypot field to userdata fields; this is a security feature, in replacement of captchas, invisible to users that prevents bots from uploading files.
- corrected “google drive uploads were successfully reset.” bug in OneDrive Reset button (Pro version).
- added attribute ‘Consent Denial Rejects Upload’ in uploader shortcode Personal Data tab to stop the upload if the consent answer is no, as well as ‘Reject Message’ attribute to customize the upload rejection message shown to the user.
- added attribute ‘Do Not Remember Consent Answer’ in uploader shortcode Personal Data tab to show the consent question every time (and not only the first time).
- attribute ‘Preselected Answer’ in uploader shortcode Personal Data tab modified to be compatible with either checkbox or radio Consent Format.
- upload result message adjusted to show the correct upload status in case that files were uploaded but were not saved due to Personal Data policy.
- code improved for sftp uploads to handle PECL ssh2 bug #73597.
Version 4.10.0
- added Messenger Notifications feature (Pro version).
- added Facebook Settings section in plugin’s Settings (Pro version).
- added Messenger Notifications option in Settings to subscribe to WordPress File Upload plugin Messenger (Pro version).
- added ‘Notify by Messenger’ attribute in Notifications tab of the uploader shortcode to enable notifications through Messenger when new files are uploaded (Pro version).
- added ‘Messenger Text’ attribute in Notifications tab of the uploader shortcode to define the message that WordPress File Upload facebook app will send to admin’s Messenger (Pro version).
- added ‘Upload Details’ attribute in Notifications tab of the uploader shortcode to define details about the new upload that will be shown to the recipient if variable %uploaddetails% is included in Messenger Text (Pro version).
- added several Advanced options in Dashboard area of the plugin to control Facebook Messenger parameters (Pro version).
- plugin code improved to support filenames containing single quotes (‘).
- corrected bug where plugin was deactivated after update.
Version 4.9.1
- added Maintenance action ‘Purge All Data’ that entirely erases the plugin from the website and deactivates it.
- added advanced option ‘Hide Invalid Uploaded Files’ so that Uploaded Files page in Dashboard can show only valid uploads.
- added advanced option ‘Restrict Front-End Loading’ to load the plugin only on specific pages or posts in order to reduce unnecessary workload on pages not containing the plugin.
- code improved for better operation of the plugin when the website works behind a proxy.
- added option in Clean Log to erase the files together with plugin data.
- added compatibility with bbPress through a hook, so that both plugin’s shortcodes can work inside bbPress topics and replies (Pro version).
Version 4.9.0
- added Microsoft OneDrive integration (Pro version).
- added Microsoft OneDrive Settings section in plugin’s Settings (Pro version).
- added Microsoft OneDrive Uploads option in Settings to connect to a Google Drive account and activate Microsoft OneDrive uploads (Pro version).
- added Microsoft OneDrive Default Path option in Settings to define the OneDrive path that will be used when transferring files to Drive through the File Browser (Pro version).
- added Include Userdata option in Microsoft OneDrive Settings to define whether to include additional userdata (if any) when transferring files to OneDrive through the File Browser (Pro version).
- added Conflict Policy option in Microsoft OneDrive Settings to define how to handle tranferred files to OneDrive destination through the File Browser when a file with the same name already exists at destination (Pro version).
- added ‘Send to OneDrive’ file action in File Browser so that a file can be transferred to Microsoft OneDrive straight from the File Browser (Pro version).
- added Microsoft OneDrive Actions in Maintenance Actions tab in Dashboard area of the plugin, including buttons for reseting and clearing OneDrive uploads (Pro version).
- added ‘Upload to Microsoft OneDrive’ attribute in Interoperability tab of the uploader shortcode to enable uploaded files to be transferred to Microsoft OneDrive (Pro version).
- added ‘OneDrive Path’ attribute in Interoperability tab of the uploader shortcode to define the destination folder in Microsoft OneDrive; if it does not exist then it will be automatically created (Pro version).
- added ‘Include Userdata’ attribute in Interoperability tab of the uploader shortcode to include userdata in the description of the file transferred to Microsoft OneDrive (Pro version).
- added ‘Conflict Policy’ attribute in Interoperability tab of the uploader shortcode to define how to handle tranferred files to OneDrive destination when a file with the same name already exists at destination (Pro version).
- added several Advanced options in Dashboard area of the plugin to control Microsoft OneDrive upload parameters (Pro version).
- code further improved to reduce “Iptanus Server unreachable…” errors and inability to activate hooks (better operation of verify_peer http context property) (Pro version).
- file viewer date function corrected to correctly convert UTC to local time (Pro version).
- corrected bug in File Transfers that was preventing file transfers to work (WFU_TRANSFERMANAGER_MAX_RUNTIME could not reset transfermanager status if it was stuck) (Pro version).
- several improvements to File Transfers code to make it more reliable when transferring multiple files at once. (Pro version).
- checked Weglot Translate compatibility; /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php needs to be added to Exclusion URL list of Weglot configuration so that uploads can work.
Version 4.8.0
- added item in Admin Bar that displays number of new uploads and redirects to Uploaded Files Dashboard page.
- code improved in Uploaded Files Dashboard page so that download action directly downloads the file, instead of redirecting to File Browser.
- added Advanced option ‘WFU_UPLOADEDFILES_COLUMNS’ that controls the order and visibility of Uploaded Files Dashboard page columns.
- added Advanced option ‘WFU_UPLOADEDFILES_ACTIONS’ that controls the order and visibility of Uploaded Files Dashboard page file actions.
- added several filters in Uploaded Files Dashboard page to make it more customizable.
- PHP function redeclaration system significantly improved to support arguments by reference, execution after the original function and redeclaration of variables.
- search filters improved to allow server-side execution when ‘Reload on Update’ and ‘Pagination’ attributes are active on the file viewer.
- code improved to reduce “Iptanus Server unreachable…” errors and inability to activate hooks (better operation of verify_peer http context property).
- added a link in Iptanus Unreachable Server error message to an Iptanus article describing how to resolve it.
Version 4.7.0
- added Uploaded Files top-level Dashboard menu item, showing all the uploaded files and highlighting the new ones.
- added Portuguese translation kindly provided by Rui Alao.
- checked and verified compatibility with Gutenberg.
- plugin initialization actions moved to plugins_loaded filter.
- fixed bug clearing userdata fields in non-Multiple File mode when Select File is pressed.
- File Browser and View Log tables modified to become more responsive especially for small screens.
- Hooks, Advanced and File Transfers tables modified to become more responsive especially for small screens (Pro version).
Version 4.6.2
- order of hooks in Hooks tab is reversed; newer hook will be first (Pro version).
- localized ‘Page x of N’ phrase in File Viewer Pagination header (Pro version).
- localized dates in File Viewer date column (Pro version).
- File Viewer code improved for better handling of large number of files (Pro version).
- corrected consent_status warning when updating user profile and Personal Data is off.
- user fields code improved for better data autofill behaviour.
Version 4.6.1
- added uploader shortcode attribute ‘resetmode’ to control whether the upload form will be reset after an upload.
- added pagination in File Browser tab in Dashboard.
Version 4.6.0
- added Google Drive integration (Pro version).
- added Google Drive Settings section in plugin’s Settings (Pro version).
- added Google Drive Uploads option in Settings to connect to a Google Drive account and activate Google Drive uploads (Pro version).
- added Google Drive Default Path option in Settings to define the Google Drive path that will be used when transferring files to Google Drive through the File Browser (Pro version).
- added Include Userdata option in Google Drive Settings to define whether to include additional userdata (if any) when transferring files to Google Drive through the File Browser (Pro version).
- added Trash Duplicates option in Google Drive Settings to define whether to trash files in Google Drive destination that are found to have the same filename as files transferred to Google Drive through the File Browser (Pro version).
- added ‘Send to Google Drive’ file action in File Browser so that a file can be transferred to Google Drive straight from the File Browser (Pro version).
- added Google Drive Actions in Maintenance Actions tab in Dashboard area of the plugin, including buttons for reseting and clearing Google Drive uploads (Pro version).
- added ‘Upload to Google Drive’ attribute in Interoperability tab of the uploader shortcode to enable uploaded files to be transferred to Google Drive (Pro version).
- added ‘Google Drive Path’ attribute in Interoperability tab of the uploader shortcode to define the destination folder in Google Drive; if it does not exist then it will be automatically created (Pro version).
- added ‘Include Userdata’ attribute in Interoperability tab of the uploader shortcode to include userdata in the description of the file transferred to Google Drive (Pro version).
- added ‘Trash Duplicates’ attribute in Interoperability tab of the uploader shortcode to trash any duplicate files found in Google Drive destination folder (Pro version).
- added several Advanced options in Dashboard area of the plugin to control Google Drive upload parameters (Pro version).
- improved file transfer control so that transfer manager is executed more often when there are pending transfer jobs (Pro version).
- corrected slash (/) parse Javascript error near ‘fakepath’ appearring on some situations.
- relaxed excessive sanitization of hook title that was converting capitals to small letters and spaces to dashes (Pro version).
- added nonces in Maintenance Actions to increase security.
- added File Transfer actions in Maintenance Actions so that all file transfers can be reset or cleared at once (Pro version).
- improved code in View Log so that no links appear to invalid files.
- improved code in View Log so that when the admin opens a file link to view file details, ‘go back’ button will lead back to the View Log page and not to File Browser.
- improved code in ‘Clean Log’ button in Maintenance Actions in Dashboard area of the plugin, so that the admin can select the period of clean-up.
Version 4.5.0
- added basic compliance with GDPR.
- added several shortcode attributes to configure personal data consent appearance and behaviour.
- added area in User Profile from where users can review and change their consent status.
- added Personal Data option in Settings that enables personal data operations.
- added Personal Data tab in plugin’s area in Dashboard from where administrators can export and erase users’ personal data.
- corrected bug not accepting subfolder dimensions when subfolder element was active.
- corrected bug not finishing uploads of multiple files occassionally when User State Handler is set to DB Option (Pro version).
Version 4.5.1
- code improved in wfu_js_decode_obj function for better compatibility with Safari browser.
- code improved to sanitize all shortcode attributes before uploader form or file viewer is rendered.
- sanitized title and description in hooks (Pro version).
- removed external references to code.jquery.com and cdnjs.cloudflare.com for better compliance with GDPR.
Version 4.5.0
- added basic compliance with GDPR.
- added several shortcode attributes to configure personal data consent appearance and behaviour.
- added area in User Profile from where users can review and change their consent status.
- added Personal Data option in Settings that enables personal data operations.
- added Personal Data tab in plugin’s area in Dashboard from where administrators can export and erase users’ personal data.
- corrected bug not accepting subfolder dimensions when subfolder element was active.
- corrected bug not finishing uploads of multiple files occassionally when User State Handler is set to DB Option (Pro version).
Version 4.4.0
- added alternative user state handler using DB Options table in order to overcome problems with session variables appearing on many web servers.
- added support for dropbox transfers of very large files surpassing the max_execution_time restrictions of web servers (Pro version).
- code improved in file transfer manager scheduler so that it restarts automatically in case of freeze problems without the need to press “Reset Dropbox Uploads” button in Maintenance Actions (Pro version).
- added progress indicator on File Transfers for big files (Pro version).
- added an hourly task scheduler that executes repeating plugin’s actions such as transfers manager and unfinished files checker (Pro version).
- added alternative method for creating thumbnails for PDF files relying on Ghostscript, in case inherent WordPress routines fail (Pro version).
- fixed bug in file viewer edit column filter (Pro version).
- fixed bug in file viewer not adjusting correctly time zone in dates (Pro version).
Version 4.3.4
- all Settings sanitized correctly to prevent XSS attacks – credits to ManhNho for mentioning this problem.
Version 4.3.3
- all shortcode attributes sanitized correctly to close a serious security hole.
- plugin code fixes in Dropbox (Pro version).
Version 4.3.2
- fixed bug in wfu_before_upload and wfu_after_upload filters that was breaking JS scripts if they contained a closing bracket ‘]’ symbol.
- improved code in wfu_calculate_image_sizes function so that it is compatible with versions of PHP prior to 5.4 (Pro version).
- corrected bug in file viewer not correctly removing rows when deleting single file (Pro version).
- corrected bug in file viewer where delete of single file failed when there was no sort column (Pro version).
Version 4.3.1
- corrected bug in Dropbox code which did not allow Dropbox to reset (Pro version).
- added screenshots of PDFs in Thumbnails (Pro version).
- added placeholder option in available label positions of additional fields; label will be the placeholder attribute of the field.
Version 4.3.0
- added Thumbnails feature in plugin that enables creation and management of thumbnails of uploaded images (Pro version).
- added File Icon Vectors library from Daniel M. Hendricks providing icons for most file types (Pro version).
- added ‘Create Thumbnails’ option in plugin’s Settings to enable thumbnails generation (Pro version).
- added ‘Thumbnail Size’ attribute in frontend file viewer to control the size of the rendered thumbnails (Pro version).
- added several Maintenance Actions to manage (clean and update) thumbnails (Pro version).
- added Thumbnails column in front-end file viewer, which displays the uploaded file if it is an image, otherwide it displays an icon corresponding to its file type (Pro version).
- added advanced variables to control the operation of Thumbnails feature (Pro version).
- added hook template to turn file viewer into gallery by converting the table elements to divs (Pro version).
- fixed serious bug that was preventing Dropbox uploads when Dropbox Path was set to root path (Pro version).
- file transfers code improved to overcome situations where asynchronous call of transfer functions fail (Pro version).
- fixed bug where ftp credentials did not work when username or password contained (:) or (@) symbols.
- RegExp fix for wfu_js_decode_obj function for improved compatibility with caching plugins.
- front-end file viewer code improved for higher flexibility (Pro version).
- added ‘Reload on Update’ attribute in front-end file browser; when it is activated the browser will not load entirely and will need to reload on updates; this is useful when the browser contains too many files (Pro version).
- corrected WFU_Original_Template::get_instance() method because it always returned the original class.
- View Log page improved so that displayed additional user fields of an uploaded file are not cropped.
- added Link column in front-end file viewer, which generates a link to the uploaded file (Pro version).
- corrected bug in frontend file viewer related to error ‘wfu_download_file not defined’ that was preventing files to be downloaded some times (Pro version).
Version 4.2.0
- plugin modified so that the shortcodes render correctly either Javascript loads early (in header) or late (in footer).
- corrected bug where a Javascript error was generated when askforsubfolders was disabled and showtargetfolder was active.
- added css and js minifier in inline code.
- improved file transfers functionality (Pro version).
- plugin modified so that Media record is deleted when the associated uploaded file is deleted from plugin’s database.
- corrected bug where some plugin images were not loaded while Relax CSS option was inactive.
Version 4.1.0
- several code modifications performed so that more cloud options (like Google Drive and Amazom S3) can be added as extensions in future versions (Pro version).
- changed logic of file sanitizer; dots in filename are by default converted to dashes, in order to avoid upload failures caused when the plugin detects double extensions.
- added advanced option WFU_SANITIZE_FILENAME_DOTS that determines whether file sanitizer will sanitize dots or not.
- timepicker script and style replaced by most recent version.
- timepicker script and style files removed from plugin and loaded from cdn.
- json2 script removed from plugin and loaded from WordPress registered script.
- JQuery UI style updated to latest 1.12.1 minified version.
- added wfu_before_admin_scripts filter before loading admin scripts and styles in order to control incompatibilities.
- removed getElementsByClassName-1.0.1.js file from plugin, getElementsByClassName function was replaced by DOM querySelectorAll.
- corrected bug in Free version showing warning “Notice: Undefined variable: page_hook_suffix…” when a non-admin user opened Dashboard.
- corrected fatal error “func_get_args(): Can’t be used as a function parameter” appearing in websites with PHP lower than 5.3.
- added _wfu_file_upload_hide_output filter that runs when plugin should not be shown (e.g. for users not inluded in uploadroles), in order to output custom HTML.
- corrected bug where email fields were always validated, even if validate option was not activated.
- corrected bug where number fields did not allow invalid characters, even if typehook option was not activated.
- corrected bug where email fields were not allowed to be ampty when validate option was activated.
- corrected error T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM appearing when PHP version is lower than 5.3.
- corrected Dropbox PHP dependencies; Dropbox is disabled when API v2 is used and PHP is lower than 5.5.0 (Pro version).
- improved handling of delays of Dropbox uploads; now the user can reset Dropbox uploads from Maintenance Actions section without having to clear the list of pending files (Pro version).
- corrected bug with random upload fails caused when params_index corresponds to more than one params.
Version 4.0.1
- translation of the plugin in Persian, kindly provided by Shahriyar Modami http://chabokgroup.com.
- corrected bug where notification email was not sending atachments.
- corrected bug not cleaning log in Maintenance Actions.
Version 4.0.0
- huge renovation of the plugin, the UI code has been rewritten to render based on templates.
- added auto-update feature for Pro version (Pro version).
- code modified so that it can correctly handle sites where content dir is explicitly defined.
- corrected bug in Dashboard file editor so that it can work when the website is installed in a subdirectory.
- corrected warnings showing when editing a file that was included in the plugin’s database.
- migrated to Dropbox API v2 (Pro version).
- Dropbox transfers process improved in order to be more reliable (Pro version).
- added File Transfers tab in Dashboard to monitor Dropbox transfers (Pro version).
- added many Advanced variables to control timing and behaviour of File Transfers (Pro version).
- added filter in get_posts so that it does not cause problems when there are too many pages/posts.
- bug fixes so that forcefilename works better and does not strip spaces in the filename.
- code improved to protect from hackers trying to use the plugin as email spammer.
- added advanced variable Force Email Notifications so that email can be sent even if no file was uploaded.
- corrected bug not showing sanitized filanames correctly in email.
- corrected bug so that dates show-up in local time and not in UTC in Log Viewer, File Browser and File Editor.
- fixed bug showing “Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare()” when cleaning up the log in Maintenance Actions.
- added filter wfu_file_browser_edit_column-{column} so that file viewer column contents can be customized (Pro version).
- improved behaviour when multiple file selection is deactivated (Pro version).
- corrected bug where when configuring subfolders with visual editor the subfolder dialog showed unknown error.
- corrected bug where the Select File button was not locked during upload in case of classical HTML (no-ajax) uploads.
- added cancel button functionality for classic no-ajax uploads.
- added support for Secure FTP (sftp) using SSH2 library.
- successmessagecolor and waitmessagecolors attributes are hidden as they are no longer used.
Version 3.11.0
- added the ability to submit the upload form without a file, just like a contact form.
- added attribute allownofile in uploader shortcode; if enabled then the upload form can be submitted without selection of a file.
- added wfu_before_data_submit and wfu_after_data_submit filters which are invoked when the upload form is submitted without a file.
- added advanced debug options for more comprehensive and deep troubleshooting.
- added internal filters for advanced hooking of ajax handlers.
- fixed several security problems.
- fixed bug that was generating error when automatic subfolders were activated and the upload folder did not exist.
- corrected bug where single quote, double quote and backslash characters in user fields were not saved correctly (they were escaped).
- fixed bug that was resetting front-end file viewer when ‘Only from Current Post’ filter was active and viewer was updated (Pro version).
- fixed bug where any changes made to the user data (e.g. through a filter) were not included in the email message.
- added unique_id variable in wfu_before_file_check and wfu_after_file_upload filters.
- changed column titles in the tables of plugin instances in Main tab in Dashboard.
- fixed bug where if a user field was modified from the file editor, custom columns were changing order.
- translation files updated with some more strings.
Version 3.10.0
- an alternative Iptanus server is launched in Google Cloud for resolving the notorious error “file_get_contents(https://services2.iptanus.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php): failed to open stream: Connection timed out.” causing failure of Dropbox and other features.
- added option ‘Use Alternative Iptanus Server’ in Settings to switch to the alternative Iptanus Server.
- added advanced option ‘Alternative Iptanus Server’ that points to an alternative Iptanus Server.
- added advanced option ‘Alternative Iptanus Version Server’ that points to the alternative Iptanus Server URL returning the latest plugin version.
- added advanced option ‘Alternative Iptanus Captcha Server’ that points to the alternative Iptanus Server URL returning necessary captcha data (Pro version).
- added advanced option ‘Alternative Iptanus Dtopbox Server’ that points to the alternative Iptanus Server URL returning necessary Dropbox data (Pro version).
- an error is shown in the Main page of the plugin in Dashboard if Iptanus Server is unreachable.
- a warning is shown in the Main page of the plugin in Dashboard if an alternative insecure (http) Iptanus Server is used.
- alternative fix of error accessing https://services2.iptanus.com for cURL (by disabling CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST) and for sockets by employing a better parser of socket response.
- extension filter regex improved so that it translates [ and ] correctly (Pro version).
- fixes of bugs appearing when a non-admin user edited a file from the Dashboard File Viewer (Pro version).
- added Swedish translation, kindly provided by Leif Persson.
- improved ftp functionality so that ftp folders can be created recursively.
Version 3.9.6
- added internal filter _wfu_file_upload_output before echoing uploader shortcode html.
- added internal filter _wfu_file_browser_output before echoing browser shortcode html (Pro version).
- added shortcode attribute captchaoptions for customizing Google Recaptcha (Pro version).
- added ability to change the order of additional user fields in shortcode visual editor.
Version 3.9.5
- added environment variable ‘Force Dropbox to Work for 32bit Servers’ so that Dropbox API works for 32bit web servers as well, fix provided by Hanneke Hoogstrate http://www.blagoworks.nl/ (Pro version).
- fixed bugs in upload algorithm, so that internal auto-resume function works better (Pro version).
- added environment variable ‘Max Concurrent Connections to Server’ to provide better control of upload algorithm (Pro version).
- added environment variable ‘Upload Progress Mode’ that defines how upload progress is calculated.
- improved progress bar calculation for the total upload and individual files.
- minor bug fixes in AJAX functions mentioned by Hanneke Hoogstrate http://www.blagoworks.nl/.
Version 3.9.4
- added option to enable admin to change the upload user of a file.
- code improvements and bug fixes related to file download feature.
- code improvements related to clean database function.
- added Italian translation kindly provided by by Enrico Marcolini https://www.marcuz.it/.
Version 3.9.3
- added option to allow loading of plugin’s styles and scripts on the front-end only for specific posts/pages through wfu_before_frontpage_scripts filter.
- fixed bug where when uploading big files with identical filenames and ‘maintain both’ option, not all would be saved separately.
- two advanced variables were added to let the admin change the export function separators.
Version 3.9.2
- fixed bug in file viewer, where if we had 2 viewers on the same page, visual editor would not launch in one of them (Pro version).
- fixed bug in file viewer where columns were not sortable when using default columns attribute (Pro version).
- fixed bug in file viewer where Increment column was shown second in visual editor of the shortcode when using default columns attribute (Pro version).
- added environment variable to enable or disable version check, due to access problems of some users to Iptanus Services server.
- added timeout option to wfu_post_request function.
Version 3.9.1
- corrected Safari problem with extra spaces in success message coming from force_close_connection.
- corrected bug where when extension has capital letters it is rejected.
- temporary fix to address issue with plugin’s Main page in Dashboard not loading, by disabling plugin version check.
Version 3.9.0
- a big number of extensions have been blacklisted for preventing upload of potentially dangerous files.
- the plugin will not allow inclusion, renaming or downloading of files with blacklisted extensions based on the new list.
- if no upload extensions are defined or the uploadpattern is too generic, then the plugin will allow only specific extensions based on a white list of extensions; if the administrator wants to include more extensions he/she must declare them explicitely.
- the use of the wildcard asterisk symbol has become stricter, asterisk will match all characters except the dot (.), so the default *.* pattern will allow only one extension in the filename (and not more as happened so far).
- added environment variable ‘Wildcard Asterisk Mode’ for defining the mode of the wildcard asterisk symbol. If it is ‘strict’ (default) then the asterisk will not match dot (.) symbol. If it is ‘loose’ then the asterisk will match any characters (including dot).
- slight bug fixes so that wildcard syntax works correctly with square brackets.
- added maximum number of uploads per specific interval in order to avoid DDOS attacks.
- added environment variables related to Denial-Of-Service attacks in order to configure the behaviour of the DOS attack checker.
- bug fix of wfu_before_file_upload filter that was not working correctly with files larger than 1MB.
Version 3.8.5
- added bulk actions feature in all plugin’s browsers/viewers.
- added delete bulk action in front-end file viewer (Pro version).
- added delete bulk action in back-end file viewer (Pro version).
- added delete and include bulk actions in admin file browser.
- added bulkactions attribute in file browser shortcode in order to determine if bulk actions are activated in the front-end file viewer or not (Pro version).
- added deletestrictmode attribute in file browser shortcode so that delete link is not shown for files that the user is not allowed to delete (Pro version).
- improvement of column sort functionality in all plugin’s browsers/viewers.
- added environment variable ‘Use Alternative Randomizer’ in order to make string randomizer function work for fast browsers.
- uploadedbyuser and userid fields became int to cope with large user ID numbers on some WordPress environments.
Version 3.8.4
- fixed serious bug that was cancelling upload of big files when captcha was enabled (Pro version).
- dublicatespolicy attribute replaced by grammaticaly correct duplicatespolicy, however backward compatibility with the old attribute is maintained.
Version 3.8.3
- fixed bug of subdirectory selector that was not initializing correctly after upload.
- fixed slight widget incompatibility with customiser.
- fixed bug of drag-n-drop feature that was not working when singlebutton operation was activated.
Version 3.8.2
- fixed bug in wfu_after_file_loaded filter that was not working and was overriden by obsolete wfu_after_file_completed filter.
- added option in plugin’s Settings in Dashboard to include additional files in plugin’s database.
- added feature in Dashboard File Browser for admins to include additional files in plugin’s database.
Version 3.8.1
- enabled regex inside patternfilter attribute of File Viewer using “regex:” prefix in order to make it more powerful (Pro version).
- fixed bug with duplicate userdata IDs in HTML when using more than one userdata occurrences.
- plugin improved so that Code Hooks and Dropbox can work when /wp-admin area is password protected (Pro version).
- added Environment Variables to define credentials for protected /wp-admin area.
- added Maintenance Action to reset Dropbox uploads (Pro version).
- added option in plugin Settings to define default Dropbox upload path (Pro version).
- added capability in Dashboard File Browser for admins to send files to Dropbox (Pro version).
Version 3.8.0
- added webcam option that enables webcam capture functionality.
- added webcammode atribute to define capture mode (screenshots, video or both).
- added audiocapture attribute to define if audio will be captured together with video.
- added audiocapture attribute to define if audio will be captured together with video.
- added videowidth, videoheight, videoaspectratio and videoframerate attributes to constrain video dimensions and frame rate.
- added camerafacing attribute to define the camera source (front or back).
- added maxrecordtime attribute to define the maximum record time of video.
- added uploadmediabutton, videoname and imagename attributes to define custom webcam-related labels.
- fixed bug that stripped non-latin characters from filename when downloading files.
- added option in Settings so that Code Hooks and Dropbox can work when mod_security is active on the webserver (Pro version).
- added $php_version definition in function wfu_dropbox_upload that was missing (Pro version).
Version 3.7.3
- improved filename sanitization function.
- added Chinese translation by Yingjun Li.
Version 3.7.2
- added the ability to cancel the upload during uploading of files.
- option added in plugin’s Settings in Dashboard so that upload does not fail when site_url and home_url are different.
- added attribute requiredlabel in uploader’s shortcode that defines the required keyword.
- required keyword can now be styled separately from the user field label.
- added attribute browsercss in browser’s shortcode that defines custom css for the file browser (Pro version).
- correction of small bug in hook templates (Pro version).
- added browser hook wfu_browser_check_file_action for modifying list of allowed downloaders and deleters (Pro version).
- if the uploaded file is saved in Media Library then any custom field data submitted by user together with the file are also saved as media attachment metadata.
- option added in plugin’s Settings in Dashboard so that userdata fields are shown in Media Library or not.
- in frontend file viewer, a user field can now be a separate column (Pro version).
- added Dutch translation by Ruben Heynderycx.
Version 3.7.1
- internal code modifications and slight bug corrections.
- addition of Advanced page in plugin’s Dashboard area for editing plugin’s environment variables (Pro version).
- upload logic changed so that single-button operation can work with captcha that was not previously possible (Pro version).
Version 3.7.0
- significant code modifications to make the plugin pluggable, invisible to users.
- addition of before and after upload filters.
- improvement of Google Recaptcha version 1 (Pro version).
- Google RecaptchaV1 now comes in two options, normal that requires to set public and secret keys in plugin’s Settings and (no account) that requires no keys (Pro version).
- correction of small bug in Shortcode Composer of File Viewer (Pro version).
Version 3.6.1
- Iptanus Services server, that provides latest version info and other utilities is now secure.
- Fixed bug with hook code templates not showing in some websites (Pro version).
- Modifications to dropbox logic so that public and secret keys are hidden (Pro version).
- Fixed bug with dropboxpath dynamic variables that were not working (Pro version).
- Fixed bug with wfu_path_abs2rel function when ABSPATH is just a slash.
- Fixed bug in RecaptchaV2 (no account) that was not showing correctly due to Google changes (Pro version).
- RecaptchaV2 modified so that it checks for a loaded recaptcha script before adding a reference to api.js. An environment variable has been added also, so that administrators can force api.js to be referenced (Pro version).
- Added option in front-end File List Viewer so that all users can delete files that they can view (Pro version).
Version 3.6.0
- French translation improved.
- added Code Hooks feature in Dashboard so that filters and actions can be implemented without the need for 3rd party plugins (Pro version).
- correction of minor bug at wfu_functions.php.
- code improvements in upload algorithm.
- wp_check_filetype_and_ext check moved after completion of file.
- added wfu_after_file_complete filter that runs right after is fully uploaded.
- improved appearance of plugin’s area in Dashboard.
Version 3.5.0
- textdomain changed to wp-file-upload to support the translation feature of wordpress.org.
- added ability to upload files to a Dropbox account (Pro version).
- added dropbox attribute to enable or disable Dropbox uploads (Pro version).
- added dropboxpath attribute to define destination directory in Dropbox account (Pro version).
- added dropboxlocal attribute to determine if the local file will be deleted or kept after it has been transferred to Dropbox (Pro version).
- added option in Maintenance Actions of plugin’s area in Dashboard to export uploaded file data.
- added pagination of non-admin logged user’s Uploaded Files Browser (Pro version).
- added pagination of front-end File List Viewer (Pro version).
- added pagination attribute to enable or disable File List Viewer pagination (Pro version).
- added pagerows attribute to define number of rows per page in File List Viewer (Pro version).
- added pagination of user permissions table in plugin’s Settings (Pro version).
- added pagination of Log Viewer.
- corrected bug in View Log that was not working when pressing on the link.
- improvements to View Log feature.
- improvements to file download function to avoid corruption of downloaded file due to set_time_limit function that may generate warnings.
- added wfu_before_frontpage_scripts filter that executes right before frontpage scripts and styles are loaded.
- added functionality to resolve incompatibilities with NextGen Gallery plugin.
Version 3.4.1
- plugin’s security improved to reject files that contain .php.js or similar extensions.
- wfu_get_latest_version function of free version modified not to ping wp.org.
Version 3.4.0
- added fitmode attribute to make the plugin responsive.
- added widget “WordPress File Upload Form”, so that the uploader can be installed in a sidebar.
- changes to Shortcode Composer so that it can edit plugin instances existing in sidebars as widgets.
- changes to Uploader Instances in plugin’s area in Dashboard to show also instances existing inside sidebars.
- added the ability to define dimensions (width and height) for the whole plugin.
- dimensioning of plugin’s elements improved when fitmode is set to “responsive”.
- filter and non-object warnings of front-end file browser, appearing when DEBUG mode is ON, removed.
- bug fixed to front-end file browser to hide Shortcode Composer button for non-admin users.
- logic changed to front-end file browser to allow users to download files uploaded by other users.
- code changed to front-end file browser to show a message when a user attempts to delete a file that was not uploaded by him/her.
Version 3.3.1
- bug corrected that was breaking plugin operation for php versions prior to 5.3.
- added a “Maintenance Actions” section in plugin’s Dashboard page.
- added option in plugin’s “Maintenance Actions” to completely clean the database log.
Version 3.3.0
- userdatalabel attribute changed to allow many field types.
- added the following user data field types: simple text, multiline text, number, email, confirmation email, password, confirmation password, checkbox, radiobutton, date, time, datetime, listbox and dropdown list.
- added several options to configure the new user data fields: label text (to define the label of the field), label position (to define the position of the label in relation to the field), required option (to define if the field needs to be filled before file upload), do-not-autocomplete option (to prevent the browsers for completing the field automatically), validate option (to perform validity checks of the field before file upload depending on its type), default text (to define a default value), group id (to group fields together such as multiple radio buttons), format text (to define field formatting depending on the field type), typehook option (to enable field validation during typing inside the field), hint position (to define the position of the message that will be shown to prompt the user that a required field is empty or is not validated) as well as an option to define additional data depending on the field type (e.g. define list of items of a listbox or dropdown list).
- Shortcode Composer changed to support the new user data fields and options.
- placement attribute can accept more than one instances of userdata.
- fixed bug not showing date selector of date fields in Shortcode Composer when working with Firefox or IE browsers.
- in some cases required userdata input field will turn red if not populated.
- shortcode_exists and wp_slash fixes for working before 3.6 WordPress version.
- minor bug fixes.
Version 3.2.1
- added filtering capabilities in front-end browser, per role, user, size, date, extension, pageid, blogid and userdata (Pro version).
- added two more columns in front-end browser, users and post/pages (Pro version).
- removed ‘form-field’ class from admin table tr elements.
- corrected bug that was causing problems in uploadrole and uploaduser attributes when a username or role contained uppercase letters.
- uploadrole and uploaduser attributes logic modified; guests are allowed only if ‘guests’ word is included in the attribute.
- modifications to the download functionality script to be more robust.
- corrected bug that was not showing options below a line item of admin tables in Internet Explorer.
Version 3.2.0
- added option in plugin’s settings to relax CSS rules so that plugin inherits theme styling.
- modifications in html and css of editable subfolders feature to look better.
- modifications in html and css of prompt message when a required userdata field is empty.
- PLUGINDIR was replaced by WP_PLUGIN_DIR so that the plugin can work for websites where the contents dir is other than wp-content.
- fixed bug that was not allowing Shortcode Composer to launch when the shortcode was too big.
- fixed bug that was causing front-end file list not to work properly when no instance of the plugin existed in the same page / post.
Version 3.1.2
- important bug fixed that was stripping slashes from post or page content when updating the shortcode using the shortcode composer.
Version 3.1.1
- the previous version broke the easy creation of shortcodes through the plugin’s settings in Dashboard and it has been corrected, together with some improvements.
Version 3.1.0
- added front-end file list for logged users and visitors, activated through a wordpress_file_upload_browser shortcode. Users can see the files they have uploaded in a table view (Pro version).
- added ability to define which roles and users are allowed to view the file list, including visitors (Pro version).
- added ability to select which columns to show in file list and in which order (increment, file name, size, date and user data columns available) (Pro version).
- added ability to sort the files in the front-end file list per filename, size or date, in ascending or descending order (Pro version).
- added ability to change the column titles of the file list using the Shortcode Composer (or straight through the file list’s shortcode) (Pro version).
- the front-end file list is updated dynamically when new files get uploaded from the same page using the plugin, or deleted from the file list (Pro version).
- added file list instances table in plugin’s settings in Dashboard (Pro version).
- added Shortcode Composer for file list shortcode (Pro version).
- added port number support for uploads using ftp mode.
- corrected bug that was not showing correctly in file browser files that were uploaded using ftp mode.
- eliminated confirmbox warning showing in page when website’s DEBUG mode is ON.
- eliminated warning: “Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/lib/wfu_admin.php on line …”.
- eliminated warning: “Notice: Undefined index: postmethod in /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/lib/wfu_functions.php on line …”.
- eliminated warnings in plugin’s settings in Dashboard.
Version 3.0.0
- major version number has advanced because an important feature has been added; logged users can browse their uploaded files through their Dashboard (Pro version).
- several code modifications in file browser to make the plugin more secure against hacking.
- some functionalities in file browser of administrator have slightly changed, now file browser cannot edit files that were not uploaded with the plugin and it cannot edit or create folders.
- upload path cannot be outside the wordpress installation root.
- files with extension php, js, pht, php3, php4, php5, phtml, htm, html and htaccess are forbidden for security reasons.
Version 2.7.6
- added functionality in Dashboard to add the plugin to a page automatically.
- fixed bug that was not showing the Shortcode Composer because the plugin could not find the plugin instance when the shortcode was nested in other shortcodes.
Version 2.7.5
- added uploaduser atribute (Pro version).
- added German and Greek translations.
Version 2.7.4
- added Serbian translation thanks to Andrijana Nikolic from http://webhostinggeeks.com/.
- bug fix with %blogid%, %pageid% and %pagetitle% that where not implemented in notification emails.
- in single button operation selected files are removed in case that a subfolder has not been previously selected or a required user field has not been populated.
- bug fixed in single file operation that allowed selection of multiple files through drag-and-drop.
- bug fixed with files over 1MB that got corrupted when maintaining files with same filename.
- dummy (test) Shortcode Composer button removed from the plugin’s Settings as it is no longer useful.
- added support for empty (zero size) files.
- many code optimizations and security enhancements.
- fixed javascript errors in IE8 that were breaking upload operation.
- code improvements to avoid display of session warnings.
- added %username% in redirect link.
- added option in plugin’s Settings in Dashboard to select alternative POST Upload method, in order to resolve errors like “http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen” or “Call to undefined function curl_init()”.
- added filter action wfu_after_upload, where the admin can define additional javascript code to be executed on user’s browser after each file is finished.
Version 2.7.3
- corrected serious bug that was erasing captcha keys from plugin’s settings when opening the shortcode composer (Pro version).
- added wfu_before_email_notification filter.
- corrected bug not showing correctly special characters (double quotes and braces) in email notifications.
Version 2.7.2
- fixed serious bug that prevented correct operation of the plugin when using the new Google Recaptcha (Pro version).
- minor improvements in free version.
Version 2.7.1
- fixed bug with faulty plugin instances appearing when Woocommerce plugin is also installed.
- upload of javascript (.js) files is not allowed for avoiding security issues.
- fixed bug with medialink and postlink attributes that were not working correctly.
- when medialink or postlink is activated, the files will be uploaded to the upload folder of WP website.
- when medialink or postlink is activated, subfolders will be deactivated.
- added option in subfolders to enable the list to populate automatically.
- added option in subfolders the user to be able to type the subfolder.
- wfu_before_file_check filter can modify the target path (not only the file name).
- added option in subfolders to enable the list to populate automatically.
- php version info added in plugin settings and a warning if it is very old.
- fixed bug with RecaptchaV2 (no account) width that was cropped when prompting to select correct images (Pro version).
- minor captcha css modifications (Pro version).
Version 2.7.0
- added the new Google Recaptcha version 2 as the default captcha (Pro version).
- added option to allow use of Google Recaptcha version 2, even when the user does not have a Google account (Pro version).
- corrected bug when deleting plugin instance from the Dashboard.
- confirmbox option removed from placements attribute because it is an experimental feature, not yet active (Pro version).
- corrected captcha warnings when using https, according to Cyrus Leung suggestion (Pro version).
- corrected bug not finding “loading_icon.gif” in Free version.
Version 2.6.0
- full redesign of the upload algorithm to become more robust including internal auto-resuming capabilities; the upload will continue even if there are connection problems or interruptions.
- added internal option to impose maximum number of concurrent chunks per file (Pro version).
- added internal option to impose maximum number of concurrent file uploads (Pro version).
- improved server-side handling of large files; provisions for file spanning added (Pro version).
- large files that are uploaded in chunks will get a temporary name until they finish.
- plugin shortcodes can be edited visually using the Shortcode Composer.
- added visual editor button on the plugin to enable administrators to change the plugin settings easily.
- corrected bug causing sometimes database overloads.
- slight improvements of subfolder option.
- improvements to avoid code breaking in ajax calls when there are php warnings or echo from WordPress environment or other plugins.
- improvements and bug fixes in uploader when classic (no AJAX) upload is selected.
- eliminated php and javascript warnings generated by the plugin.
- corrected bug that was not correctly downloading files from the plugin’s File Browser.
- added better security when downloading files from the plugin’s File Browser.
- fixed bug not correctly showing the user that uploaded a file in the plugin’s File Browser.
- use of curl to perform server http requests was replaced by native php because some web servers do not have CURL installed.
- corrected bug in shortcode composer where userdata fields were not shown in variables drop down.
- added feature that prevents page closing if an upload is on progress.
- added forcefilename attribute to avoid filename sanitization.
- added ftppassivemode attribute for enabling FTP passive mode when FTP method is used for uploading.
- added ftpfilepermissions attribute for defining the permissions of the uploaded file, when using FTP method.
- added internal feature to delete unfinished chunked files that have been aborted (Pro version).
- files over 2GB will be restricted on 32bit servers because of OS and php problems handling them; a future version will contain a self-check capabilitity to detect if the server can handle files over 2GB (Pro version).
- Captcha modifications to work with internal auto-resuming capabilities. A new captcha will be implemented on the next release of the plugin (Pro version).
- javascript and css files are minified for faster loading.
Version 2.5.5
- fixed serious bug not uploading files when captcha is enabled.
- fixed bug not redirecting files when email notification is enabled.
Version 2.5.4
- mitigated issue with “Session failed” errors appearing randomly in websites.
- fixed bug not applying %filename% variable inside redirect link.
- fixed bug not applying new filename, which has been modified with wfu_before_file_upload filter, in email notifications and redirects.
- fixed bug where when 2 big files were uploaded at the same time and one failed due to failed chunk, then the progress bar would not go to 100% and the file would not be shown as cancelled.
Version 2.5.3
- fixed bug not allowing redirection to work.
- fixed bug that was including failed files in email notifications on certain occasions.
- default value for uploadrole changed to “all”.
Version 2.5.2
- fixed bug in free version not correctly showing message after failed upload.
Version 2.5.1
- fixed important bug in free version giving the same name to all uploaded files.
- fixed bug in free version not clearing completely the plugin cache from previous file upload.
Version 2.5.0
- major redesign of upload algorithm to address upload issues with Safari for Mac and Firefox.
- files are first checked by server before actually uploaded, in order to avoid uploading of large files that are invalid.
- modifications to progress bar code to make progress bar smoother.
- restrict upload of .php files for security reasons.
- fixed bug not showing correctly userdata fields inside email notifications when using ampersand or other special characters in userdata fields.
Version 2.4.6
- Variables %blogid%, %pageid% and %pagetitle% added in email notifications and subject and %dq% in subject.
- Corrected bug that was breaking Shortcode Composer when using more than ten attributes.
- Option for very large (chunk) file uploads is now by default enabled (Pro version).
- Added check for new versions in plugin Settings for Professional version.
- Added prompt in plugin Settings for free version to upgrade to Professional version.
- Added Pro to pro version folder and plugin name in order to distinguish from free version.
- Corrected gallery options title in shortcode composer.
- Corrected bug that was rejecting file uploads when uploadpattern attribute contained blank spaces.
- Several code corrections in order to eliminate PHP warning messages when DEBUG mode is on.
- Several code corrections in order to eliminate warning messages in Javascript.
Version 2.4.5
- Correction of bug when using userfields inside notifyrecipients.
Version 2.4.4
- Intermediate update to make the plugin more immune to hackers.
Version 2.4.3
- Correction of bug to allow uploadpath to receive userdata as parameter.
Version 2.4.2
- Intermediate update to address some vulnerability issues.
Version 2.4.1
- Added filters and actions before and after each file upload – check Filters/Actions section for instructions how to use them.
- Added storage of file info, including user data, in database.
- Added logging of file actions in database – admins can view the log from the Dashboard.
- Admins can automatically update the database to reflect the current status of files from the Dashboard.
- File browser improvements so that more information about each file (including any user data) are shown.
- File browser improvements so that files can be downloaded.
- Filelist improvements to display correctly long filenames (Pro version).
- Filelist improvements to distinguish successful uploads from failed uploads (Pro version).
- Improvements of chunked uploads so that files that are not allowed to be uploaded are cancelled faster (Pro version).
- Corrected wrong check of file size limit for chunked files (Pro version).
- Added postlink attribute so that uploaded files are linked to the current page (or post) as attachments.
- Added subfolderlabel attribute to define the label of the subfolder selection feature.
- Several improvements to subfolder selection feature.
- Default value added to subfolder selection feature.
- Definition of the subfoldertree attribute in the Shortcode Composer is now done visually.
- Variable %userid% added inside uploadpath attribute.
- Userdata variables added inside uploadpath and notifyrecipients attributes.
- uploadfolder_label added to dimension items.
- User fields feature improvements.
- User fields label and input box dimensions are customizable.
- Captcha prompt label dimensions are customizable (Pro version).
- Added gallery attribute to allow the uploaded files to be shown as image gallery below the plugin (Pro version).
- Added galleryoptions attribute to define options of the image gallery (Pro version).
- Added css attribute and a delicate css editor inside Shortcode Composer to allow better styling of the plugin using custom css (Pro version).
- Email feature improved in conjunction with redirection.
- Improved interoperability with WP-Filebase plugin.
- Improved functionality of free text attributes (like notifymessage or css) by allowing double-quotes and brackets inside the text (using special variables), that were previously breaking the plugin.
Version 2.3.1
- Added option to restore default value for each attribute in Shortcode Composer.
- Added support for multilingual characters.
- Correction of bug in Shortcode Composer that was not allowing attributes with singular and plural form to be saved.
- Correction of bug that was not changing errormessage attribute in some cases.
Version 2.2.3
- Correction of bug that was freezing the Shortcode Composer in some cases.
- Correction of bug with successmessage attribute.
Version 2.2.2
- Serious bug fixed that was breaking operation of Shortcode Composer and File Browser when the WordPress website is in a subdirectory.
Version 2.2.1
- Added file browser in Dashboard for admins.
- Added attribute medialink to allow uploaded files to be shown in Media.
- Serious bug fixed that was breaking the plugin because of preg_replace_callback function.
- Corrected error in first attempt to upload file when captcha is enabled.
Version 2.1.3
- Variables %pagetitle% and %pageid% added in uploadpath.
- Bug fixes when working with IE8.
- Shortcode Composer saves selected options.
- Easier handling of userdata variables in Shortcode Composer.
- Correction of bug that allowed debugdata to be shown in non-admin users.
- The CSS file reset.css removed from plugin as it was causing breaks in theme’s css.
- Correction of bug with WPFilebase Manager plugin.
Version 2.1.2
- Several bug fixes and code reconstruction.
- Code modifications so that the plugin can operate even when DEBUG mode is ON.
- New attribute debugmode added to allow better debugging of the plugin when there are errors.
- Correct bugs with captcha and chunked uploads.
- Improve progress bar performance.
Version 2.1.1
- Bug fixes with broken images when WordPress website is in a subdirectory.
- Replacement of glob function because is not allowed by some servers.
- Addition of chunk attribute to enable uploading of very large files.
Version 2.0.2
- Bug fixes in Dashboard Settings Shortcode Composer.
- Correction of important bug that was breaking page in some cases.
- Minor improvements of user data fields and notification email attributes.
Version 2.0.1
- Name of the plugin changed to WordPress File Upload.
- Plugin has been completely restructured to allow additional features.
- A new more advanced message box has been included showing information in a more structured way.
- Error detection and reporting has been improved.
- An administration page has been created in the Dashboard Settings, containing a Shortcode Composer.
- Some more options related to configuration of message showing upload results have been added.
- Several bug fixes.
The plugin is translated in the following languages:
- Portuguese: kindly provided by Rui Alao
- German
- French: kindly provided by Thomas Bastide of http://www.omicronn.fr/
- Serbian: kindly provided by Andrijana Nikolic of http://webhostinggeeks.com/
- Dutch: kindly provided by Ruben Heynderycx
- Chinese: kindly provided by Yingjun Li
- Spanish: kindly provided by Marton
- Italian: kindly provided by Enrico Marcolini https://www.marcuz.it/
- Polish
- Swedish: kindly provided by Leif Persson https://www.marcuz.it/
- Persian: kindly provided by Shahriyar Modami http://chabokgroup.com
- Greek
Translations in other languages are more than welcome!.
The plugin requires to have Javascript enabled in your browser. For Internet Explorer you also need to have Active-X enabled.
Please note that old desktop browsers or mobile browsers may not support all of the above features. In order to get full functionality use the latest versions of browsers, supporting HTML5, AJAX and CSS3.
Pingback: Wordpress File Upload Plugin Released | Iptanus
Your plugin doesn’t function correctly if “WordPress Address (URL)” and “Site Address (URL)” are different. Namely, it doesn’t find any of the images that it is supposed to use. Also, the email feature is not sending any emails, though it doesn’t report any errors.
Thanks for this valuable info…. I will check this out and release a new version if necessary…
Do you have an update for this issue? Was that actually a bug? Is there a workaround? I’d like to purchase this, but it has to work with that scenario.
to which problem are you referring? sorry but comments have been mixed…
“Your plugin doesn’t function correctly if “WordPress Address (URL)” and “Site Address (URL)” are different.”
Same problem here. Plugin does not work with Wp-Skeleton + Roots that i always use to start websites, and which need a different address for site and home url.
this problem has been resolved. Which version are you using?
Problem with Captcha.
Captcha is on but no image work.
Can you help us plz?
the error message:
An error occurred:
Input error: c: Invalid version number for captcha challenge token.
Hi, the problem wasn’t resolved yet. wordpress address is different from site address and , probably, is that reason i can’t upload any file. i tried really several options to upload a simple jpg file. nothing is working
. please can you find a solution?
I have noticed an issue whilst testing the file upload on my site on my ipad. When I click on the upload button, it only gives me the option to upload a photo, however, I want my users to be able to upload a pdf, mp3 or word document. (file upload works fine on mac) and I have also set the allowed file extensions as: all
Can you have a look into this and try and fix this issue for iPad users?
Is it possible to create a notification that gives me a multiple file path as a clickable link?
Same. Was this ever resolved?
Yes this is resolved a long time ago. What error do you get?
Hi Nickolas,
I’ve previously used your previous plugin, inline upload which worked well.
Looking at your Pro Version of this plugin, does it allow only the admins to upload files?
We don’t want anyone random just uploading files.
Thanks 🙂
Hi Martin, the plugin can be configured to allow only admins to upload files. This can also be done in Free version. You do not need the Pro version, if you want it only for this.
I need to use my theme’s css for Select and Upload buttons, how is this done?
For the moment you will have to override the plugin’s css styles manually by adding your css styles in theme’s custom css section by using the following selectors:
– for Select button input[type=”button”].file_input_button
– for Upload button input[type=”button”].file_input_submit
Please note that the plugin’s css rules are intentionally strict and override theme’s settings because of problems with some themes. However, following versions of the plugin will have a mechanism to relax the plugin’s css rules and use theme’s ones.
The select button is not position right. It underneath the upload button.
it the same problem he was having, can you help me fix it?
For anybody having this problem, edit this file at lines 7 and 121 –
Change this line –
margin: 0;
to read –
margin: 10px 0 0 0;
Hello, I keep having this issue even if I changed the CSS exactly as you said.
I’m using the plugin editor to edit the CSS, and on the title there are brackets with the word (inactive). Could it be a problem related to the editor?
Maybe yes…. this happens to other plugins as well…. you can try to edit the file using an FTP client…
If you can add a user role attribute for filepaths, it’d be hugely appreciated!
Gladly…. however can you be more specific?
I have WordPress File Upload installed and the shortcode [wordpress_file_upload] inserted on a page, but the textboxes/buttons are not visible.
I also have your Inline Upload plugin installed, but I made it inactive.
The site I wish to use this shortcode on is included.
Any suggestions?
what happens if your open the page as admin? does the plugin show up?
No, it’s still not there. I have [wordpress_file_upload] in the text editor window, but no form in the page when I’m in there as admin or as a regular user.
Inline Upload is deactivated, and WordPress File Upload is active.
any other settings I may be missing? any known conflicts with other plugins? I may revert back to Inline Upload & see if it’s still a problem, and let you know what I find.
Okay, so Inline Upload doesn’t appear to work either. I think it may be another plugin interfering with this one, or maybe my theme. It worked when I was developing the theme in WebMatrix…
So, I changed themes, and it didn’t fix the issue. I also deactivated all other plugins, and that didn’t fix it either. I was checking in Chrome Incognito mode, so it wouldn’t reuse any data when I refreshed the browser.
Any other suggestions?
Please download and try version 2.1.2 which has just been released…this version includes debug support for administrators…. let me know on results so that we can sort it out…
i cant save any setting change
where are save buttons ?
Shortcode Composer currently does not allow to save settings. You can copy and paste the generated shortcode to the page you want to show the plugin… future versions (in a few days) will allow saving of the settings….
thank you…
Very nice plugin!
The file wordpress-file-upload-upload.pot seems to be corrupt.
How to translate plugin?
Please download the latest version 2.1.2 , if you face any problems please let me know….
File Delivery.WMV not uploaded
Upload failed! Unknown error.
Failed upload path: Delivery.WMV
Any idea what might cause this?
[wordpress_file_upload uploadrole=”all” uploadpath=”uploads/EarlyStartSubmissions” uploadpatterns=”*.MOV,*.MPEG4,*.mp4,*.AVI,*.wmv,*.MPEGPS,*.FLV,*.3GPP,*.WebM,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png” maxsize=”50″ createpath=”true” dublicatespolicy=”maintain both” uploadbutton=”I agree to submission terms! UPLOAD it!” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”arca@arcanet.org” notifysubject=”New Submission Uploaded” widths=”filename:200px, selectbutton:80px, uploadbutton:300px, progressbar:220px, message:368px” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”*Name (required)/*Email (required)” placements=”title/userdata+userdatalabel/filename+selectbutton/uploadbutton+progressbar/message” uploadtitle=”Upload Video” debugmode=”true”]
ARG, can you XXXX out that email address???
Here is the Debug:
Upload failed! Unknown error.
Failed upload path: I_Dont_Need_Subtitles.wmv
Notice: add_option was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.3 with no alternative available. in /usr/home/arcane/www/htdocs/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3019
Notice: Use of undefined constant HTTP_HOST – assumed ‘HTTP_HOST’ in /usr/home/arcane/www/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/media-library-categories/variables.php on line 10
Notice: Use of undefined constant thickbox_init – assumed ‘thickbox_init’ in /usr/home/arcane/www/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/thickbox/thickbox.php on line 138
Notice: add_option was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.3 with no alternative available. in /usr/home/arcane/www/htdocs/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3019
Notice: Undefined index: page in /usr/home/arcane/www/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-nextgen-galleryview/nggGalleryView.php on line 444
Notice: Undefined index: page in /usr/home/arcane/www/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-nextgen-galleryview/nggGalleryView.php on line 446
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /usr/home/arcane/www/htdocs/wp-includes/functions.php:3019) in /usr/home/arcane/www/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/wordpress_file_upload.php on line 2
Notice: Use of undefined constant zframe – assumed ‘zframe’ in /usr/home/arcane/www/htdocs/wp-includes/widgets.php on line 324
Notice: load_plugin_textdomain was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.7 with no alternative available. in /usr/home/arcane/www/htdocs/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3019
Notice: A session had already been started – ignoring session_start() in /usr/home/arcane/www/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/youtube-simplegallery/youtube_simplegallery.php on line 137
Notice: Undefined index: wfu_token_1 in /usr/home/arcane/www/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/lib/wfu_ajaxactions.php on line 68
I should also ask, did you get this version to work in IE8?? That is the best XP can do and half the planet still uses IE8…
I even tried sending it to another ftp server (that I can see the log) and it never even tried to login???
Hi Derek,
thanks for all this info…. we will have to go step by step to sort it out….
1. first of all simplify your shortcode, remove email notification and userdata (just set notify=”false” and userdata=”false”), set createpath=”false” and also add adminmessages=”true”.
2. try uploading a small file, less than 1Mb and see what happens.
3. what browser are you working on? IE8? what if you try Chrome? does the problem persist?
4. what is the URL of your website?
I will also make some checks on IE8 and let you know…
New short code:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadid=”1″ uploadrole=”all” uploadpatterns=”*.mov,*.mpeg4,*.mp4,*.avi,*.wmv,*.mpegps,*.flv,*.3gpp,*.webm,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png” maxsize=”50″ createpath=”false” dublicatespolicy=”maintain both” uploadbutton=”I agree to submission terms. Upload it!” notify=”false” notifyrecipients=”xxx@xxx.org” notifysubject=”New Submission Uploaded” widths=”filename:200px, selectbutton:80px, uploadbutton:300px, progressbar:220px, message:368px” userdata=”false” userdatalabel=”*Name (required)/*Email (required)” placements=”title/userdata+userdatalabel/filename+selectbutton/uploadbutton+progressbar/message” uploadtitle=”Upload Video” debugmode=”true” adminmessages=”true”]
Same issue. Here is the page: http://arcanet.org/renewearlystart/how-to-help.html
I am testing with chrome, but I need it to work in IE8 as well….I will test that once it works.
also tried this:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadid=”1″ uploadrole=”all” uploadpatterns=”*.*” maxsize=”50″ createpath=”false” dublicatespolicy=”maintain both” uploadbutton=”I agree to submission terms. Upload it!” notify=”false” widths=”filename:200px, selectbutton:80px, uploadbutton:300px, progressbar:220px, message:368px” userdata=”false” placements=”title/userdata+userdatalabel/filename+selectbutton/uploadbutton+progressbar/message” uploadtitle=”Upload Video” debugmode=”true” adminmessages=”true”]
Holy awesome plugin! Just what I was looking for! Super easy to use, and needed it just in time for a project. I just bought the pro version. One featured I think would be awesome is the ability to import the file uploads to the media library.
I am doing a custom post type and adding fields using advanced custom fields, using the image field, the only problem is the image field uses a media ID and not a URL, would be super rad to be able to assign the file uploaded to a media ID. Just a thought. I’ll go through your code and see if I can come up with anything.
Thanks again!
Adding the uploaded files to Media is a feature that will be implemented in the next version (in a few days)…. any ideas on additional features are more than welcome…
Awesome! Can’t wait for this feature! I tried implementing it myself, and I got it to work, but had to refactor the $_FILES array, and it only worked for single files, but I am sure you’ll implement it quite well.
One quick question. Is this supposed to work on ie6 and ie7? I thought it had a flash fallback, but it wasn’t working in ie6 for some strange reaason as it was saying something about prototype not found. Just checking.
I am unable to upload files over a meg or so. Small image files upload very quickly, but video files stall after a minute or so.
Can you please tell me which browser are you using, your shortcode and the url of your website? We will resolve it.
The page is displaying the file but won’t play it.
I get this warning
Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for ………/wp-content/uploads/muziek/sopraan126-scarborough-fair—sopraan.mp3 in ……/public_html/koor/wp-content/plugins/advanced-dewplayer/advanceddewplayer.php on line 127
What’s wrong? Can you help me?
sorry, wrong plugin 🙂
Can you contact me…I’d like to get this working!!
Yes sure…
Were you going to email me or was that it? Do you have any ideas how to fix my issue?
Hi. Love your plugin but I’m having a few issues which I hope you can help me with.
Here is the code as your plugin generated it once I’d set everything up:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadrole=”administrator,customer” uploadpatterns=”*.jpg,*.png,*.pdf” maxsize=”350″ createpath=”true” dublicatespolicy=”maintain both” uniquepattern=”datetimestamp” adminmessages=”true” uploadtitle=”Upload files for DIY Product” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”%useremail%,info@muggles.co.za” notifysubject=”File Upload Notification – %username%” notifymessage=”Dear Recipient,%n%%n%This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new file has been uploaded.%n%%n%Username: %username%%n%User Email: %useremail%%n%File Name: %filename%%n%User Data: %userdataXXX%%n%%n%Best Regards” attachfile=”true” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”Text on Product/Font Required”]
1. Notifications
I need the notification email to be sent to me as the Administrator to my email address but it only sends it to the useremail.
2. Additional Fields
I need these fields to be included in the email that gets sent to me but the email that I (as the Customer) only states the following:
“Dear Recipient,
This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new file has been uploaded.
Username: Ainscow
File Name: red-christmas-tree-20131229035545.jpg
User Data: %userdataXXX%
Best Regards”
3. File Path
I have opted to NOT show the File Path, but after uploading the image, next to the Upload Successful message there is a small downward pointing triangle. When you click on it then it shows the File Path.
How do I stop this from showing to anyone who uses the site?
If you need any further information you are welcome to contact me. Thanks again for a wonderful plugin. These issues are probably just due to me being blonde (yes I can say that lol) and not having much coding knowledge.
Looking forward to your response.
PS: One other problem I am having is removing the uploaded files once I have finished with them. I logged in via my Control Panel and got the following error message when I tried to delete them:
Error: Unable to remove file //httpdocs/wp-content/uploads//var/www/vhosts/muggles.co.za//httpdocs/wp-content/uploads/red-christmas-tree-20131229033022.jpg: filemng failed: rm: cannot remove `/var/www/vhosts/muggles.co.za//httpdocs/wp-content/uploads/red-christmas-tree-20131229033022.jpg’: Permission denied
filemng: Error occurred during /bin/rm command.
Please advise – Thanks
this is strange…. sounds like a permission problem…. have you tried erasing the file using an FTP client?
Hi Sara,
here are the answers:
1. Maybe a bug….. I will check….
2. you should replace %userdataXXX% with %userdata1%, %userdata2% etc for each field. XXX is just a placeholder for 1, 2, 3 etc. So, %userdata1% will be replaced by the data that the user put in the first field (Text on Product) and so on…
3. You see the triangle even as a Customer? The path details should only be visible to administrators. I will check.
Thanks for this valuable info. I will let you know asap about results.
Nickolas Bossinas
I recently purchased your pro version, upon installation…it has completely overridden my theme css..changing the font, spacing etc. How do I remedy this?
Error: “Upload failed!
Targer folder doesn’t exist.”
How do you resolve this?
you can add createpath=”true” in your shortcode in order to create the folder if it does not exist….
please let me know if you need further assistance….
Hello there,
First of all I must say this plugin is great and exactly what I’m looking for to help my business online.
There’s only one issue I’m having which I hope you can help me with.
I had chosen for files to be sent to my FTP and had entered my username/password credentials. I know this information is correct because it had successfully created a directory “uploads” folder in my personal FTP server. Though the file would not go through as it states, “Upload failed! Error occured while moving temporary file. Please contact administrator.”
My assumption is that this is not a problem with the plugin but may have to do with the permissions within my web hosting. But I’m unsure as to which needs to be adjusted. My max upload size is 100MB but I have even tried testing with very small files and they were still unsuccessful.
Here’s a copy of my shortcode for reference:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadrole=”all” maxsize=”100″ createpath=”true” accessmethod=”ftp” ftpinfo=”???:???@ftp.fotobox.ca” useftpdomain=”true” showtargetfolder=”true” askforsubfolders=”true” placements=”title/filename+selectbutton/uploadbutton/subfolders/userdata/message/progressbar” uploadtitle=”FOTOBOX FTP Upload” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”info@fotobox.ca” widths=”title:300px, filename:200px, progressbar:600px, userdata:600px” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”*Name/Email/Order”]
I hope you will be able to assist me with me this issue. I think your plugin is great and if this is able to work then I am very interested in upgrading to pro version to allow multiple files.
Thank you
Hi, your FTP location is the same as your wordpress website?
No, it is not. It is an FTP server located at our store. My website is hosted by GoDaddy.
However, I would like the files to be sent directly to my ftp server here.
Was this ever resolved?
I am having the exact same issue with version 2.5.5 Pro. Same error if I point to the FTP of the server hosting my website as an external FTP site.
Can you help?
Is this compatible with WP 3.8? I can’t get email notification to work. My shortcode (with redacted email address):
[wordpress_file_upload uploadid=”2″ singlebutton=”true” uploadrole=”all” createpath=”true” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”correct@email.com” notifymessage=”Dear Recipient,%n%%n% This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new file has been uploaded.%n%%username% %useremail% %filename% %filepath% %n%Best Regards” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”*Your message”]
Yes it is compatible with WP 3.8… do you have any other plugins sending emails? Sometimes there are conflicts…
It is only working with certain email addresses. It is sending a notification to my gmail address, but not to my work email. I’m less suspicious of your awesome plugin than I am of wherever the work emails are hosted.
I use your plugin to upload via ftp. My hoster supplies ftp account names only in the xxx@domain.com format.
So my login crdentials look like test@domain.com:passwd@ftp.domain.com
The plugin interprets the first @ as the part before the domain name so it can not login to the ftp server.
Anyway you can solve this?
Use \@ and \: like this:
test\@domain.com mailto\:test\@domain.com:passwd@ftp.domain.com
please pay attention to the backslashes (\) before (@) and (:) symbols. The only (@) and (:) without backslashes should be those separating username, password and domain.
please also pay attention to the spaces…
let me know if there are problems….
Nickolas Bossinas
Sorry, can’t get it to work. Maybe i wrote the wrong credentials line in the previous post.
So my ftp username is: test@domain.com and the password is just test (no @ symbol here).
Can you provide again the instructions?
When I tried to activate your plugin, it showed:
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in {my_path_wordpress}\wp-content\plugins\wp-file-upload\lib\wfu_functions.php on line 115
Do you know how to solve it?
We are working in identifying the problem… a revision of the plugin is going to be issued if necessary…
Best Regards
Nickolas Bossinas
Can you please tell me your php version?
J’ai le même problème, voici mon WP:
[b]Ma configuration WP actuelle :[/b]
[b]- Version de WordPress :[/b] 3.8
[b]- Version de PHP/MySQL :[/b] 5.2.17 / 5.0.95
[b]- Thème utilisé :[/b] Twenty Ten
[b]- Thème URI :[/b] http://wordpress.org/themes/twentyten
[b]- Extensions en place :[/b] Akismet (2.5.9), BackWPup (3.1.1), Captain Favicon (1.1), Contact Form (3.69), Delightful Downloads (1.3.2), Easy Timer (3.6.1), Forum_wordpress_fr (3.1), Jetpack by WordPress.com (2.7), Link Manager (0.1-beta), Meta Slider (2.6.2), NextCellent Gallery (1.9.16), Page Security by Contexture (1.5.10), WordPress File Upload (2.1.2), YouTube (7.1)
[b]- Adresse du site :
[b]- Nom de l’hébergeur :[/b] Apache
Seems that function preg_replace_callback is not supported in all cases (although I do not know why). We will have to find a workaround. It will be resolved within the next one or two days and a new version will be released.
I’m getting the same error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /hermes/waloraweb005/b1790/moo.jldalyphotographycom/jenndaly.com-redirect/digital/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload/lib/wfu_functions.php on line 115
I’m using PHP 5.3
Seems that function preg_replace_callback is not supported in all cases (although I do not know why). We will have to find a workaround. It will be resolved within the next one or two days and a new version will be released.
Is it possible to specify a directory which is at the root level of the website rather than in the wp-content directory?
Yes, put double dots (..) before the path, e.g. if your folder is “pictures” in the root level, then put in the shortcode uploadpath=”../pictures”
Is is possible to still get version 2.1.2? It was working and I’d like to be able to to use the plug-in until the fix is finished.
While uploading the wordfiles (docx) I’m getting an error
“File new-microsoft-office-word-document.docx not uploaded”
“Upload failed! The duration of the upload exceeded the time limit of the server. Please contact the administrator.”
Kindly help!
Have you tried to upload the file again? Is it always showing the same error? How big is the file?
Hi and thanks for the plugin. This is incredibly brilliant! It even detects my Android browser…how cool! However, I get failed uploads using FTP and would like some help to fix that please. Below are the details of my error message, the plugin settings, and finally some server details.
1) Error message:
File failed to upload
Redirection to classic form functionality occurred because HTML5 is not supported.
File test.jpg not uploaded
Upload failed! Unknown error.
Failed upload path: /home/paul/public_html/wp-content/uploads/test/test.jpg
Error. Could not resolve ftp target filename. Check the domain in ‘ftpinfo’ attribute.
2) Plugin settings
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”uploads/test” uploadrole=”all” createpath=”true” accessmethod=”ftp” ftpinfo=”paul:password@ftp.paul.fake.com” uniquepattern=”datetimestamp” adminmessages=”true” debugmode=”true”]
3) Website settings:
WordPress 3.8
.htaccess file in the root directory as follows:
# BEGIN WordPress
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
AuthName “Home Directory”
AuthUserFile “/home/paul/.htpasswds/public_html/passwd”
AuthType Basic
require valid-user
Folder Permission is 755 for wp-content, uploads and test (even tried 777 for the folders with no success).
My ftp user account has access to the /home folder. I’ve tried using “../public_html/wp-content” in the upload path. I also just tried using “uploads/test” in the uploads path. Both give the exact same error.
The plugin works fine in Normal Mode. I’m testing with 2MB files of various extensions. I can use 100% of the plugin options in Normal Mode and successfully upload with all of the possible combinations of setting. The need to use FTP stems from the small upload limit of my provider.
I tried using Android smart phone, WinXP Pro with IE8 / Chrome / Firefox, and Win7 Pro with IE9 and they all give the exact same error above.
I don’t have direct access to my FTP logs but the system shows me that there has been no account activity since I last logged in with my desktop FTP application. This may imply that the plugin isn’t logging in.
I can successfully access my FTP site using IE8 and IE9 and the “paul:password@paul.fake.com” combination.
I can’t think of what else to try and have resorted to trial and error to change settings to get this plugin to work (futile). I look forward to your reply.
Thanks in advance,
does your FTP username or password contain any (@) or (:) characters? Is the FTP domain you are using the same with the website domain?
Just for your information, ftp mode of the plugin does not upload the files from your computer to the destination file using FTP (not allowed by the browser). It just moves the file that has been uploaded to the temp folder of your website (by the browser using AJAX or HTML Forms) to the final destination using FTP commands. It is used in cases where the file cannot be moved from temp dir to the final destination (using move_uploaded_file or copy PHP commands) because of folder permission restrictions (usually happening when the website is hosted in Windows server environment). This means that if your provider imposes file upload limitations they would probably not resolved using ftp mode. Nevertheless, you can try.
Google Drive and Dropbox have resolved the “provider limitations” issue by using chunked uploads (cutting the file in small pieces in client side, upload them one-by-one and reconstructing the file in server side). You can find the same approach to the professional version of WordPress File Upload.
Waiting for your feedback.
Nickolas Bossinas
Just wanted to check you that you think the plugin will work fine with around 5GB csv files please – I am thinkung of the pro vs 🙂
We have tried with files around 1Gb using the pro version successfully. I see no reason why it should not work with 5Gb…
Nickolas Bossinas
I’m having problems with ftp mode.
Below is code and message.
Safari, firefox mac
Thanks for any help on this!
Short Code:
[wordpress_file_upload notify=”false” userdata=”false” createpath=”false” adminmessages=”true” accessmethod=”ftp” ftpinfo=”ftpuser\@mydomain.com:thepass@ftp.mydomain.com”]
Upload failed! Unknown error.
Failed upload path: /home/mysite/public_html/somedir/wp-content/uploads/myfile.pdf
Error. Could not extract ftp information from ‘ftpinfo’ attribute. Check its syntax. ftpuser@mydomain.com:thepass@ftp.mydomain.com
Does the password contain any strange characters (like \/#@:) ?
Hi Nikolas,
I was able to install 2.1.3 but even using just the simplest shortcode, I am unable to upload anything.
I tried a more complex shortcode at first and kept simplifying it until all I had left was [wordpress_file_upload].
Regardless of the shortcode I keep getting the following error message whenever I try to upload a file:
Upload failed! Unknown error.
Failed upload path: testimage.jpg
fileupload:Session failed!
Session Data:
Array ( )
Post Data:
Array ( [action] => wfu_ajax_action [params_index] => HzcenS3T362Z7xya [subdir_sel_index] => -1 [captcha_challenge] => _0 [chunk_data] => 0,0,0,0, [session_token] => 102696120452e414227a0ad8.59364065 [unique_id] => AUm5AcuBCZ )
I was able to make this work when I had 2.1.2 installed.
Hi Jennifer,
Please download the new version 2.2.1 and try again. If the problem persists, please let me know. We will sort it out…
I’m able to upload files using the [wordpress_file_upload] shortcode, but if I go into the settings menu to access the shortcode editor or the file manager I get the following message.
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, cgiadmin@yourhostingaccount.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Strange….. what browser are you using?
It’s also ignoring any other shortcode I add. It doesn’t recognize uploadrole or createpath.
I was able to get the shortcode to work, but I still can’t access the shortcode editor. I’ve tried using Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
Hey there,
strange thing! happend to me to! What was your solution to get all the extra fields ans stuff working?
I am getting an error when trying to upload. It simply says ‘File not allowed.’ Any tips on overcoming this? I have specified the allowed file extensions, and the files I am uploading match what is allowed.
Thanks for the input.
Please tell me your shortcode and also the name of the file you are trying to upload…
I have tried a number of files, most of which have been .mp3 files as those are what clients will upload to our site most often.
[wordpress_file_upload uploadrole=”all” uploadpatterns=”3gp,avi,mov,mp4,mpg,swf,wmv,wma,wav,mp3,m4a,mid,ogg” maxsize=”2048″ dublicatespolicy=”maintain” uniquepattern=”datetimestamp” placements=”userdata/title/filename+selectbutton+uploadbutton/subfolders/message” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”*Name/*Email/Comment”]
I had this problem too. It needs to be for example…
I’m also having some trouble with ftp. When uploading, I get the following php error message: ftp_chmod(): Could not change perms on /wp-content/fileuploadsloads: No such file or directory in /server/path/to/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/lib/wfu_io.php on line 79
Isn’t the path /wp-content/fileuploads totally wrong, as wp-content is only in the root of the webspace and not in the root of the file system? And as a path for ftp, this also seems to be wrong.
I cannot seem to get files larger than about 5MB to upload, even though I’ve changed php.ini and the plugin maximums to larger files.
Have just installed this plugin and am trying it out.
I don’t seen to get a progress bar, just the message ‘Upload in progress’ whilst the file is being uploaded. (See shortcode below.) Is this corect behaviour or am I missing something?
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”uploads/testing” uploadpatterns=”*.jpg, *.JPG, *.jpeg, *.JPEG” maxsize=”5″ createpath=”true” dublicatespolicy=”reject” adminmessages=”true” debugmode=”true” placements=”title/filename+selectbutton+uploadbutton/progressbar”
uploadtitle=”Upload files Test2″ ]
Please set testmode=”true” in the shortcode. This will put the plugin in test mode, so that you can see its elements. Let me know if you see the progress bar or not.
is there a way to limit the number of files a user can upload?
No this is not implemented…. you mean the total number of files?
RE: Email Notifications
Is it possible to insert variables from the “Additional Fields” section?
The following is not working for Email Recipients:
myemailaddresss@mydomain.com, %userdata1%
As my form is in a general password protected page (not a specific user with a unique email address), I am asking the file uploader to provide their email address and name. Then I am trying to add their email address to the list of recipients so they get an email confirmation that their file was sent.
This has not been implemented yet but I will put it in the next version… in a few days from now… thanks for the feedback….
Hi, amazing plugin, so far it’s really easy to setup and has some amazing features compared with other plugin. gratz!
I wanted to know if there is a way to store a file using the userdata value, lets say “email” as a folder (ex.:uploads/%userdata_email%).
I need to do this for guest users that don’t have an account.
Hi, no way yet…. userdata values cannot be used inside the uploadpath (didn’t have this kind of request so far)… however this seems to be a good way for users with no account, so I will put it in the next version in a few days from now… thanks for the feedback…
Thank you very much for your reply!
Thanks for providing the plugin. It comes really handy.
However, I see several issues when using it:
(1) File size: Files of up to 10mb are uploaded easily, but no bigger files. (currently the Showstopper for me)
Resetting upload_max_filesize in php ini did not help.
(2) All input boxes/buttons are too small be default.
how can userdata input boxes be resized
(3) Notify message texts are set, but default english ones are shown nonetheless.
(4) Button “Select file” is not in line with “Send file” and file input box. Altering the css file, as decribed above, did not work.
I did spent quite some time on it. When starting with it, I did not expect that much time one has to invest to get a quite simple version to work. I’ll probably try something else as well, as I don’t see how to overcome the described issues.
Since the last update, Your plugin will not allow me to have my language during file upload. All the messages stay in English, even when I change them i Shortcode Composer.
Why ?
Hi, this is a bug that has been detected and will be resolved in the next release…. hopefully today….
Can you explain how to set base directory and use the file browser. I am getting these errors when trying to set the base directory and when creating folders with the file browser:
Warning: Missing argument 1 for wfu_browse_files(), called in /home2/iagairpo/public_html/apsdex.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/lib/wfu_admin.php on line 749 and defined in /home2/iagairpo/public_html/apsdex.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/lib/wfu_admin.php on line 442
Warning: opendir(/home2/iagairpo/public_html/apsdex.com/wp-content/public_html/apsdex.com/wp-content/exhibitor-uploads/) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home2/iagairpo/public_html/apsdex.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/lib/wfu_admin.php on line 521
If you leave base directory blank, then File Browser will show you the contents of wp-contents folder of your WordPress website. Have you tried this?
this plugin looks nice. thank you.
how to ensure the filename (saved on server) follow a pattern irrespective of actual file name of uploaded file? Say for example a image file ‘john_selfie.jpg’ as img_2431.jpg on target where john’s user id is 2431.
this has not been implemented and needs some coding… alternatively you can store images to different folders for each user (using the username as a subfolder name)…
Is there a way to reset the shortcode composer? It doesn’t disappear/reset if I delete the plugin and reinstall the plugin. Where is the shortcode stored in wordpress when it’s updated?
Why I’m asking is this: The shortcode in the shortcode composer is not updated when I change the Select Button Caption. (The shortcode is correctly updated when any other setting is changed.) Further, I have the letter “ä” in the Select Caption Button text, which has encoded/transformed to the symbol “�”, which furthermore now is _duplicated_ each time I open the Shortcode Composer. The more I try to get rid of all the “�” the more “�” is filling the Shortcode Composer text field. Kinda impossible to use… Help, please! Using the professional version, WP 3.8.1, Chrome.
the shortcode is stored as a WordPress option…. you can reset it if you have access to the database… do you know how to do that?
nevertheless, it seems that there is a problem with Unicode characters…. I will check it….
Works great on all my browsers on my MacOS. Can’t get any browsers to work on Windows 7. IE,Chrome, Firefox.
The Buttons and Field are not displayed at all.
Found it… Problem was related to editing the pages on a Macintosh. Re-Saved the pages using Windows.. Working.
Line Break issue ?
How can I download the files uploaded by my site’s visitors? Or where do I find the actual physical file?
For the moment you can do this using an FTP client… the files are stored in the website directory structure inside wp-contents folder….
After I hit the upload button I get this error in pink:
Upload failed! Unknown error.
I tried it in Chrome and Firefox and I checked the permission on the upload folder (it’s 777)
(My wordpress url is different from the site url in case the first comment by JW still applies.)
Can you give me the shortcode?
Sure! (I removed the web site url)
I am using v. 2.2.3
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”uploads/” uploadrole=”all” uploadpatterns=”*.jpg,*.png” maxsize=”20″ redirect=”true” redirectlink=”http://xxxwebsitenameremovedxxx.com/thanks-submission/” placements=”title/filename+selectbutton/subfolders/userdata/message/uploadbutton” uploadtitle=”Upload Your Sketch (Jpg or Png)” uploadbutton=”Submit!” notifyrecipients=”all1″ notifysubject=”all2″ notifymessage=”all3″ attachfile=”all4″ userdata=”all5″ userdatalabel=”all6″ medialink=”all7″]
Hi Nicolai
I get the same error, since the last update (running 2.2.3)
Upload failed! Unknown error.
Failed upload path: image.jpg
fileupload:Session failed!
—End Error—
It then gives both Session Data and Post Data.
I changed the upload folder to a random, non-existant, location, but it returns the same error, so the process doesn’t even get as far as checking the upload folder location.
It all worked fine until recently.
I also tried this one:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadrole=”all”]
I also put in a support ticket to my site host in case it’s a server issue.
Any thoughts admin?
My host (Hostgator) gave me an inconclusive response. They said that ‘scripts that require 777 will not work and I should leave it at 755) That wasn’t really my question but regardless, it still doesn’t work.
It works for me now in Opera and IE but not Chrome or Firefox
Thank you, very nice!
[wordpress_file_upload uploadrole=”all” uploadpath=”../download” uploadpatterns=”*.zip” maxsize=”500″ placements=”title/filename+selectbutton+uploadbutton/progressbar/message” successmessage=”File %filename% uploaded successfully. Please copy and paste this link: http://www.arcaportal.com/download/%filename%” adminmessages=”true” accessmethod=”ftp” ftpinfo=”arcaportal\@arcaportal.com:qwertyuiop@ftp.arcaportal.com” widths=”progressbar:600px, message:610px”]
Upload failed! Unknown error.
Failed upload path: \WAGNER\wwwroot$\e2937bc3b.hostnd\htdocs\www/download/32-00704_rev-d_jabra-pro-930_manual_it.zip
Error. Could not extract ftp information from ‘ftpinfo’ attribute. Check its syntax.arcaportal@arcaportal.com:qwertyuiop@ftp.arcaportal.com
I have problem using my FTP.
Can you help me?
Yes of course I will look into it…
Version 2.3.1 Pro as ARCA ETICHETTE.
Same problem.
I want to change the Spanish “Upload files”, “Select file”, “Upload file”, “Upload in progress” and “File uploaded successfully”. Where the email is added to recieve files?
Thanks. Regards.
Tryed everything, and worked now for some hours with this plugin, but it does look only nice but is not working – Uploads message success, but no file in the folder , no emails are sended … nothing working … using a fresh and new WP newlly installed
please send me your shortcode so I can check…
I can change anything but “Upload in progress” is not for you to change. Can I change it somewhere else?
Very thanks. Regards.
Is it possible to change the type for each user data input field? For example: set some fields to be radio buttons or drop downs?
good point!!! not yet implemented…. 🙂 we are working on it….
cant get email notifications to work
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”birthday” uploadrole=”all” showtargetfolder=”true” dublicatespolicy=”maintain both” redirect=”true” redirectlink=”/thanks” placements=”title/filename+selectbutton/userdata/uploadbutton/progressbar” uploadtitle=”Send a message or photo” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”xxx@xxx%n%xxx@gmail.com” notifymessage=”%userdata1%%n%%userdata2%%n%%userdata3%%n%%filename%” attachfile=”true” widths=”title:350px, progressbar:200px” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”*name/*email/Photo Caption”]
please separate notifyrecipients with comma (,) e.g. xxx@xxx,xxx@gmail.com
hello, I bought your plugin wordpress file upload
I hope now I have PAID you for your plugin you are going to answer and support me.
it has been impossible for me to set your plugin to run well.
Location: http://www.jbpcr.com/cargarfotos
testing user (for login – upper part right side): Eljefe
testing password: Paratest123%321$
[wordpress_file_upload dragdrop=”false” uploadpath=”%username%/” uploadrole=”subscriber” maxsize=”1500″ useftpdomain=”true” showtargetfolder=”true” adminmessages=”true” uploadtitle=”Cargar Imágenes” selectbutton=”Seleccionar/Seleccionar” uploadbutton=”Cargar/Cargar” targetfolderlabel=”Ruta:” successmessage=”Imagenes ya cargadas” warningmessage=”Imagenes cargadas pero con advertencias” errormessage=”Imagenes no cargadas” waitmessage=”Cargando” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”%useremail%” notifyheaders=”Imágenes cargadas a jbp” notifysubject=”Imágenes cargadas a jbp” notifymessage=”Gracias %username% %n%%n%sus imágenes han sido cargadas al servidor de jbp” filebaselink=”true”]
%username% is the username and corresponds to a location i have previously created in my server, exactly here:
so the whole path for the testing user is:
and %username% is equal to Eljefe
All files uploaded successfully
according my cpanel (godaddy account linux server php 5.0) this is the path:
Please help me…
Thank you
Hello All, now i am able to upload the images – the issue of the path is so strange, but anyway, the code i am using is:
[wordpress_file_upload dragdrop=”false” uploadpath=”/fotosclientes%username%/” uploadrole=”subscriber” maxsize=”1500″ useftpdomain=”true” showtargetfolder=”true” adminmessages=”true” uploadtitle=”Cargar Imágenes” selectbutton=”Seleccionar/Seleccionar” uploadbutton=”Cargar/Cargar” targetfolderlabel=”Ruta:” successmessage=”Imagenes ya cargadas” warningmessage=”Imagenes cargadas pero con advertencias” errormessage=”Imagenes no cargadas” waitmessage=”Cargando” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”%useremail%” notifyheaders=”Imágenes cargadas a jbp” notifysubject=”Imágenes cargadas a jbp” notifymessage=”Gracias %username% %n%%n%sus imágenes han sido cargadas al servidor de jbp” filebaselink=”true”]
And this code uploads the images / files into:
Having in count i should create the files for the username previously
IS THERE ANYWAY THE PLUGIN create the file dor the username?
Thank you.
I paid for pro, great solution.
I installed in godaddy server, wordpress, php 5.0 without problem – on http://www.jbpcr.com
some suggestions:
1. Using a more simple and friendly re captcha.
2. setting email notification to be send yo the user and to the owner of the website
3. on installation instructions. show some examples of the shortcode.
Again, congratulations.
Costa Rica
I get the following issue when trying an upload:
Upload failed! Unknown error.
Failed upload path: gustafson-logo.png
fileupload:Session failed!
Session Data:
Array ( [wfu_create_dir_error] => Error: name contains invalid characters! Please correct. [wfu_create_dir] => Array ( [newname] => user_uploads ) [wfu_token_1] => 11039657665317d046e51c29.72613282 [wfu_check_refresh_1] => do not process )
Post Data:
Array ( [action] => wfu_ajax_action [params_index] => 6RHyWwXH7nZ153Z9 [subdir_sel_index] => -1 [session_token] => 8916800865317d045d87e73.13551814 [unique_id] => BKNvg2FsA6 )
Do you use any non-english characters somewhere in the plugin?
[wordpress_file_upload singlebutton=”true” uploadpath=”uploads/demo” uploadrole=”all” maxsize=”200″ dublicatespolicy=”maintain both” uniquepattern=”datetimestamp” adminmessages=”true” debugmode=”true” notify=”true” attachfile=”true”]
Dear Admin,
The file not uploaded.
Failed upload path: loym.txt
fileupload:Session failed!
Session Data:
Array ( [wfu_token_1] => 182155253183ca4d56316.30137835 [wfu_check_refresh_1] => do not process )
Post Data:
Array ( [action] => wfu_ajax_action [params_index] => AEkCLdmmejFnzd4m [subdir_sel_index] => -1 [session_token] => 76073296753183c9cb52df2.45356897 [unique_id] => gaEVm8Pr0l )
Could you please help on this.
What happens if you use the plugin with the most simple options like: [wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”uploads/demo” adminmessages=”true” debugmode=”true”] ? Does the problem persist?
Do you use the latest version?
I recently purchased the pro version of your plug in. I was curious if you have any detailed documentation? I am having problems pathing out the plug in.
There is detailed description of options and examples in the plugin’s page http://www.iptanus.com/wordpress-plugins/wordpress-file-upload/
ME TOO! i’m so annoyed
Are you having the same exact issue or something else?
Been browsing for a way for users to upload images via the front end and your plugin seems perfect. We purchased the pro version but I have a question. Am I able to use this shortcode with our form? I need to run certain functions for each file uploaded — can you direct me on where or how to do that?
Do you want to run some PHP functions when a file is uploaded? If yes, then I must do some modifications to the plugin and add a custom action… let me know in more details what so you want to do….
My problem with upload to external ftp server – not same domain as wordpress.
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”Uploads/%username%” uploadrole=”administrator,author” maxsize=”1000″ createpath=”true” accessmethod=”ftp” ftpinfo=”xxx\:xxx\@ftp3.taniadrukarnia.eu” useftpdomain=”true” dublicatespolicy=”maintain both” adminmessages=”true” forceclassic=”true” debugmode=”true” widths=”progressbar:300px” heights=”progressbar:10px”]
File size < 100 kB
This plugin creates a directory, but does not upload the file.
Upload failed!
Targer folder doesn't exist.
Failed upload path: ftp://xxx:xxx@ftp3.taniadrukarnia.eu/Uploads/slasze/4062759009.pdf
Username and password do not contain special characters (:;!@ etc.)
Where do bug?
Is ftp3.taniadrukarnia.eu/Uploads/slasze/ the correct folder where the files should go? Have you checked with an FTP client to see that it does exist?
Yes, the directory is correct and can see it by ftp client. “Uploads” directory I created, and the subdirectory “slasze” created a plugin – variable “%username%”.
I have just removed the subfolder “slasze” and run plugin. Subfolder “Uploads/slasze” has been created, but the file transfer failed.
ftp server log:
“mar 14 09:19:55 serwer proftpd[11694] serwer.taniadrukarnia.eu ([]): FTP session opened.
mar 14 09:19:56 serwer proftpd[11694] serwer.taniadrukarnia.eu ([]): Preparing to chroot to directory ‘/home/tdrukarnia/ftp’
mar 14 09:19:56 serwer proftpd[11694] serwer.taniadrukarnia.eu ([]): USER xxx: Login successful.
mar 14 09:19:56 serwer proftpd[11694] serwer.taniadrukarnia.eu ([]): FTP session closed.”
Trying to upload a larger file 11MB.
” Upload failed! Unknown error.
Failed upload path: Arts_black_and_white.rar
Request Entity Too Large
The requested resource
does not allow request data with POST requests, or the amount of data provided in the request exceeds the capacity limit.”
It seems that it is not exercised direct the client to the ftp server, but the file is sent to the hosting with wordpress POST method and only with the server you are connecting with ftp.
So does this plugin:
My computer –> (POST method) –> WordPress hosting –> (??? method) –> ftp server
So it probably should look like:
My computer –> (tunnel created by plugin – FTP method) –> ftp server
It seems that the plugin is only visible when i am logged in as admin. As soon as i log out, the file upload button on the page disappears. Is there a way to resolve this?
Yes, this is the default behavior of the plugin. It allows upload of files only to admins. To allow other roles to upload files as well (so the plugin will be visible to them) set attribute uploadrole, e.g. uploadrole=”editor, author”. To allow everyone to upload files (even guests) set uploadrole=”all”….
I’m trying to use WP File Upload (pro) but i’m unable to upload a file. Even with a basic shortcode.
Failed upload path: img.jpg
fileupload:Session failed!
Session Data:
Array ( )
Post Data:
Array ( [action] => wfu_ajax_action [params_index] => F6QOqyj6FmXbxrxw [subdir_sel_index] => -1 [captcha_challenge] => _0 [chunk_data] => 0,0,0,0, [session_token] => 71553351753277a01a53405.38186980 [unique_id] => g2JoIToqt6 )
I’m using WP 3.8.1 with the Divi Theme from Elegant Theme.
On the same server but in another site with the same version of wordpress, the plugin works.
Anyone can help me please ?
Hi, I see that session array is empty. This usually happens because another plugin clears session variables (which should not happen). Can you please deactivate your other plugins and try again?
Nickolas Bossinas
I just try this but nothing change :/
I use Divi theme from Elegant Theme, it can be the problem ?
My plugins are the followings:
– Admin bar disabler
– Contact form 7
– GA Google Analytics (but I install it after)
– Google XML Sitemap (installed after too)
– Shortcodes ultimate
– Woo Commerce
– WP Members
This plugin will be great if I can get it straightened out…
Small uploads work fine up to about 6-7MB. Once I get larger than that, transfers fail. I don’t get a status that it failed, the screen redraws, and it looks like I just loaded the page.
Turning on debug and shutting off every plugin except for WPFU, and using the default 2014 theme on 3.8.1, I get these messages when debug is turned on:
Notice: wp_enqueue_style was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.) in /var/www/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3049 Notice: wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.) in /var/www/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3049
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload/lib/wfu_blocks.php on line 53
Here’s the shortcode:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”uploads/clients/%username%” uploadrole=”administrator” maxsize=”100″ createpath=”true” askforsubfolders=”true” chunk=”true” debugmode=”true”]
I’ve tried several different options and they all produce the same results. I do have the Pro version.
Any thoughts?
Please remove askforsubfolders attribute, although I do not think that this is the problem. The page should not reload itself. This is not caused by the plugin (or it shouldn’t normally) but it causes the upload script to be interrupted, so upload fails without any error. This means that another script reloads the page automatically after some time. This is probably why small files manage to get uploaded and large don’t.
Is it possible to give me access to the page so that I can try myself and see what happens?
Nickolas Bossinas
Check your “info” email. You should have a UID/PW there that will give access. Once in you’ll be at a page that contains WPFU with the following settings:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”uploads/clients/%username%” uploadrole=”wpc_client,wpc_client_staff” maxsize=”1000″ createpath=”true” chunk=”true” debugmode=”true”]
Got it figured out…Browser compatibility issue.
How can I save settings in shotcode composer
Settings are automatically saved…. do you have any issues with that?
I’m using WordPress File Upload and can’t seem to find a way to make the userdata fields have a nice tabular format. The labels are all of different length and that staggers the data entry fields. Help please!
Shortcode used is:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”uploads/RawMP3s” uploadpatterns=”*.mp3″ showtargetfolder=”true” askforsubfolders=”true” subfoldertree=”RawMP3s” adminmessages=”true” uploadtitle=”Upload file” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”itsastretch@dslextreme.com” notifymessage=”Dear Recipient,%n%%n% This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new file has been uploaded.%n%%n%File Name:%userdata5%%n%Title: %userdata1%%n%Description: %userdata2%%n%Reader:%userdata3%%n%Project: %userdata4%%n%%n%Best Regards” widths=”filename:200px, selectbutton:80px, uploadbutton:80px, progressbar:190px, message:400px, userdata:400px” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”Title:/*Description:/*Reader:/*Project:/*File Name:”]
Perhaps you need to do some css styling…. do you know how to do that?
Yes, but I’ve never done it for WordPress and I don’t know where to begin.
I purchased the pro version, and now I have a question about the captcha. Is it possible to choose the difficulty of the captcha? I’m asking this because the captcha is too hard to solve. Is there a way to choose a captcha more easy?
Great plugin, well done.
One feature I would like to see is the ability to have the full download link sent to email. For larger files this would be easier on all concerned.
Great job
Thanks Dennis…. took a note of it for future implementations…. I will let you know when it is done….
Best Regards
Nickolas Bossinas
I keep getting target folder doesn’t exist but I have the createpath=”true” in my code. Also, how is this plugin handling authenticating the ftp user? I only see the secion ftpinfo=”%username%@xxxxx.com” What about the ftp user account password?
Thanks, great plugin by the way.
what is your uploadpath attribute?
I have changed it many times since the post to try to resolve it on my own so please bear with me. Here are a couple of the attributes I have tried,
uploadpath=”/ArcVault/%username%” and I’ve tried uploadpath=”XXX/ArcVault/%username%/” and I’ve tried changing the actual folder names on the server to lowercase as well so uploadpath=”arcvault/%username%”
I am using the lastest version 2.3.1 of the plugin but I am not able to reset the shortcode composer to start over. Thank you for your help.
I am getting the same error message. I am trying to upload to the root directory of my ftp server so I left the Upload Path blank. The plugin also isn’t reading the directory structure when I enable the “Select Subfolder->Auto-populate list” option. I know the credentials are correct because they work fine in Filezilla. Here is my shortcode:
[wordpress_file_upload singlebutton=”true” uploadpath=”” maxsize=”1024″ createpath=”true” accessmethod=”ftp” ftpinfo=”user:password@″ useftpdomain=”true” ftppassivemode=”true” showtargetfolder=”true” askforsubfolders=”true” subfoldertree=”auto” placements=”title/filename+selectbutton+uploadbutton/progressbar/subfolders/userdata/message”]
obviously I changed the ftpinfo in this post to dummy information but the actual information is correct and works in any ftp client software.
I can’t seem to get this plugin to operate. I keep getting errors such as:
Failed upload path: PiggieGinger400.jpg
fileupload: Session failed!
Session Data:
Array ( [wfu_token_1] => 155169010153370aebc63ec2.88518919 [wfu_check_refresh_1] => do not process )
Post Data:
Array ( [action] => wfu_ajax_action [params_index] => EROX8KR2PmReQTfN [subdir_sel_index] => -1 [session_token] => 73943108653370aea0dd032.00899572 [unique_id] => 7szyuiPJar )
I’ve tried a number of different configurations of the shortcode, but none seem to work. Can you please advise?
Please send me the shortcode you are using….
I have exactly the same problem with Heather.
Is there any available solution?
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”fileuploads” uploadrole=”all” maxsize=”200″ createpath=”true” dublicatespolicy=”reject”]
The same shortcode was working fine until a few days ago
did you add any new plugins?
Heather what was your solution, I’m having the same issue no matter how I configure the shortcode.
can you please give me some details of the error?
Is it possible admin know which user uploaded a file ?
Good point! No it is not implemented yet. A logging feature is under development, so that admin can view upload events with details (upload user, upload date and page). It will be accessible from the Dashboard….
Yes, it is possible. It requires two things. First, in the upload path, put “%username%”; I actually use “users/%username%” so that all the uploads go to a specific folder under the user name.
Then, make sure to have the following in your notification email subject line.
“%username% has uploaded a file.”
I also have in the Email Body:
“This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new file has been uploaded by %username% to %filepath%.”
Then the message I got was:
This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new file has been uploaded by Contribute to /home2/dollardy/public_html/idxcellent/wp-content/users/Contribute/3-biggest-mistakes-youre-making-with-your-wordpress-site-rev.1.1.pdf.
It gives me the user name and the name of the actual file that was uploaded. That will work for users that are logged in, but could be confusing if you are allowing guests to upload files.
I hope that helps,
I am having trouble getting this plugin to work right. I am using the following short code:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”users/%username%” uploadrole=”administrator,subscriber” maxsize=”500″ createpath=”true” dublicatespolicy=”maintain both” uniquepattern=”datetimestamp” redirect=”true” redirectlink=”http://idxcellent.dollardynamics.biz/upload-thanks” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”mike@dynamicwebshop.com” notifysubject=”%username% has uploaded a file.” notifymessage=”Dear Recipient,%n%%n% This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new file has been uploaded by %username% to %filepath%.%n%%n%Best Regards%n%”]
It uploads the file, but does not send an email. I get emails if I add a user, etc., so I know that sending isn’t the problem. What am I missing?
What browser are you using? Can you please try using different browsers (Chrome and Firefox)?
Sometimes this happens because a specific plugin is preventing emails being sent from other plugins? Are there any plugins, other than WordPress File Upload, that send emails? Can you disable them and try again?
Let me on results…
I was using Firefox V28, but I tried Chrome and it worked with Chrome. Not sure why Firefox won’t send with this plugin. It works with the native WordPress email send and there is not another plugin that sends email.
The other problem I am having is that it keeps overwriting the Email Subject and Email Body with %username% and the Upload Role.
And one last question I have is how do I enable multiple file uploads? I do not see a place to set this to “True”. Maybe I was given the wrong link and got the light version instead of Pro?
Can you please be more specific about the “The other problem I am having is that it keeps overwriting the Email Subject and Email Body with %username% and the Upload Role.”??? Can you give me an example?
You can set multiple=”true” in the shortcode. It is also inside the Shortcode Composer of the Dashboard, in General Tab under section “Basic Functionalities”. If you don’t see it, then you probably have the free version!!! How did you download the plugin?
More on the other problem I am having about it overwriting the Email Subject and Email Body. I set it up with the following:
The original contents of Email Subject was:
%username% has uploaded a file.
The original contents of Email Body was:
Dear Recipient,
This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new file has been uploaded by %username% to %filepath%.
Best Regards
After I go out of that tab, say to another page in the admin panel and then come back, I find that it has substituted the following:
Email Subject:
Email Body:
As for the ability to set multiple file uploads, in my General tab under “Basic Functionalities”, I have the following three options:
Plugin ID
Single Button Operation
Upload Path
I downloaded the plugin from the link I got in my confirmation email. It had the following:
WordPress File Upload Pro
Download: wordpress-file-upload-2.3.1.zip
I thought it was strange that the plugin wasn’t named Pro, but I recognized that it was different than the wp-file-upload-2.3.1.zip name that I downloaded as the free one. Did I get the right file?
Just an update: I set multiple=”true” in the shortcode, but it made no difference.
Hi there! I love your plugin, it’s light, simple and easy. Anyway, I have a question: how do I increase the distance between the lines? The boxes are vertically too close together. Thanks a lot for your time and help. 🙂
There is a height attribute that you can use (for syntax use the Shortcode Composer inside plugin’s Dashboard Settings). In case this does not solve your problem, then you will have to use custom css code. For the moment there is no custom css option in the plugin, so you will have to use your theme’s custom css section. The new version of the plugin will have a custom css attribute. If you don’t know how to use css, let me know so that I can help you.
I’ve tried half a day to get it running with
WordPress 3.8.2, Twenty Ten and a few plugins. Finally wp-typography turned out to be the grinch:
When activated: just page title is diplayed.
When deactivated: WordPress File Upload works as described.
Thanks for the excellent plugin.
Best regards
I just bought and installed the Pro version. I have the file uploader working on a page through the browser, but unfortunately the uploader UX does not render on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with Chrome Browser. Please advise. Thanks!
Oh no… The file upload UX doesn’t load in Safari on my Mac either 🙁 What am I missing here?
Also doesn’t render in IE on Windows 8. Surely I’m missing something here. What good is this plugin if it only renders in Chrome and Firefox? 🙂
I would like to add “Name” and “Email” text inputs, and also a “Comments” text area to my multi-file upload form. I see the “Additional Fields” tools, but frankly, when I add these fields, they look terrible 🙁 The form element labels do not line up well, and the overall file upload experience is compromised. Ideas? Thanks!
I was frusterated with just about every version of this type of plugin I could find.
Finally I just developed my own. But this one uploads the files to your wordpress temp folder then transfers that file to a FTP account that you configure in it. This way using Filezilla server or another FTP server software on your computer you can actually have someone upload files directly to your computer from your website.
It even creates a folder based on the company name filled out in the form.
I have been using it sucessfully for months and even sold a few dozen copies of it.
I don’t know how is it possible but I lost the pro version features of the plugin.
We bought it april 8th order #286…
I tried to reinstall the downloaded version of the plugin and there are no pro version features.
Can someone help us? Thanks.
When I upload files, the filenames seem to be converted to lower case.
How could I keep the filenames’ case sensitivity?
Hi, currently the plugin converts all filenames to lowercase…
there are two things you can do to change this:
a. Use filters introduced in latest version 2.4.1 in order to keep the original filename. To do this, you have to do some php coding.
b. Make a very slight change in one of the plugin’s php files in order to disable conversion to lowercase.
I can provide more information about them if you want.
Best Regards
YES! I want them! Thank you very much~ :)))
Nice plugin! Works fine, but is there a way to require a password (unique to each user) before a file can be uploaded? I could password protect the page, but that is a single password for all. Thanks!
Password protection seems like a good alternative to captcha and I will add it to the todo list of the plugin for future versions, however it requires a lot of implementation.
By the way, why you need a password if the user is already logged in? Do you want to allow file uploads only to specific users? There may be plugins to allow access to posts/pages only for specific users. Nevertheless, I will also add to the todo list a feature to allow file uploads only to specific users.
Best Regards
(How) Does your plugin handle file replacement, where user needs to replace one file with another via simple upload? (Thanks in advance.)
By default the plugin will replace an existing file with the uploaded one having the same filename. There are additional options if someone does not want to replace the file and reject the upload, or rename the uploaded file according to a pattern so that the names are always different.
Let me know if you need more info about this.
Is there a way to automatically rename files when they are uploaded? Ideally, I’d like to have users enter their name and company into fields on the upload page, and rename the file using that user info (Ex. UserCompany_UserName_2019.xlsx).
Hi, yes using a hook. Do you have the free or pro version (instructions change)?
Thanks for responding!
I have the free version.
If you have instructions for adding fields for user’s name, email, etc. that would be most appreciated as well.
Here is a link that provides a description of the additional user fields that can be added in the upload form.
You can easily add them using the visual editor. They are in Additional Fields tab. It is pretty straightforward how it works.
Thanks for linking me to the visual editor instructions – it was very straightforward.
I’d super appreciate any info about using a hook to rename files using entries in additional fields (Name, Company, etc.).
is it possible to automatically rotate the uploaded images based on EXIF meta data? And is it possible to show a thumbnail preview of the images before upload?
You can process the contents of the file immediately after it has been uploaded using the wfu_after_file_upload action, described in the plugin’s documentation, so by implementing this action you can rotate an uploaded image, however you must write your own image processing php code.
Thumbnail preview is not available for the moment. However there are similar requests from other users as well, so it will be included in a future version.
Let me know if you need more info.
Best Regards
Ok, so I have a function correctImageOrientation($filename). It’s from here (last post): http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3657023/how-to-detect-shot-angle-of-photo-and-auto-rotate-for-website-display-like-desk
I am not very firm in php coding, how can I call this function from wfu_after_file_upload? Can you help me? 🙂
I bought your pro plugin a few days before (5th May), because the free stuff allows the users delete their uploaded files (and there is no way to turn this off). But the free plugins (like “work the flow file uploader”) can rotate images based on EXIF.
I added a snippet via the code snippet plugin as suggested in you former post (https://www.iptanus.com/filters-and-actions-of-wordpress-file-upload-plugin/#comment-18977). Please find my code below. But the code seems not to be used since my debug line “file_put_contents(…” is not called and the debug file not created. What shall I do to have the function to rotate the image called?
/* Code for adjusting images uploaded via WP File Upload (by Daniel) */
function image_fix_orientation(&$image, $filename) {
$exif = exif_read_data($filename);
if (!empty($exif[‘Orientation’])) {
switch ($exif[‘Orientation’]) {
case 3:
$image = imagerotate($image, 180, 0);
case 6:
$image = imagerotate($image, -90, 0);
case 8:
$image = imagerotate($image, 90, 0);
This filter runs after the upload completely finishes, in order to perform any
final custom server actions.
/** Function syntax
* The function takes two parameters, $changable_data and $additional_data.
* – $changable_data is an array that can be modified by the filter and
* contains the items:
* > js_script: javascript code to be executed on the client’s browser
* right after the filter; the script can check upload_status variable
* for checking if upload has succeeded or not and mode variable for
* checking if it was an AJAX or classic upload.
* – $additional_data is an array with additional data to be used by the
* filter (but cannot be modified) as follows:
* > sid: this is the id of the plugin, as set using uploadid attribute;
* it can be used to apply this filter only to a specific instance of
* the plugin (if it is used in more than one pages or posts)
* > unique_id: this id is unique for each individual upload attempt
* and can be used to identify each separate upload
* > files: holds an array with final data about the files that have been
* uploaded (or failed); every item of the array is another array with
* the following items:
* >> file_unique_id: a unique id identifying every individual file
* >> original_filename: the original filename of the file
* >> filepath: the final path of the file (including the filename)
* >> filesize: the size of the file
* >> user_data: an array of user data values, if userdata are
* activated, having the following structure:
* >>> label: the label of the user data field
* >>> value: the value of the user data fields entered by user
* >> upload_result: it is the result of the upload process, taking
* the following values:
* success: the upload was successful
* warning: the upload was successful but with warning messages
* error: the upload failed
* >> error_message: contains warning or error messages generated
* during the upload process
* >> admin_messages: contains detailed error messages for
* administrators generated during the upload process
* The function must return the final $changable_data. */
function wfu_after_upload_handler($changable_data, $additional_data) {
// Add code here…
file_put_contents(‘/web/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/gaestebilder/debug.txt’, ‘DEBUG: FILTER’, FILE_APPEND);
$wfu_file_path = $additional_data[0][filepath];
$wfu_file_name = $additional_data[0][original_filename];
// Check file type and save corrected image
$extension = strtolower(strrchr($wfu_file_name, ‘.’));
switch ($extension) {
case ‘.jpg’:
case ‘.jpeg’:
$img = @imagecreatefromjpeg($wfu_file_path);
$img = image_fix_orientation($img,$wfu_file_path);
imagejpeg($img, $wfu_file_path);
case ‘.gif’:
$img = @imagecreatefromgif($wfu_file_path);
$img = image_fix_orientation($img,$wfu_file_path);
imagegif($img, $wfu_file_path);
case ‘.png’:
$img = @imagecreatefrompng($wfu_file_path);
$img = image_fix_orientation($img,$wfu_file_path);
imagepng($img, $wfu_file_path);
$img = false;
return $changable_data;
add_filter(‘wfu_after_upload’, ‘wfu_after_upload_handler’, 10, 2);
/* END Code for adjusting images uploaded via WP File Upload (by Daniel) */
Hey Nikolas
Will it also be possible to include thumbnails in email-notifications, in order to have a small preview of the files that have been uploaded? I would be a great feature anyway 😉
Regards Michael
Hi, thumbnails do not work well in emails. There are some common methods of adding thumbnails in emails, however it is not certain that they will work. Are you the only receiver of email notifications? If yes, which email client do you use?
I can upload most of the files but never a file called site-imedia.psd which is a 4 mb file. I don’t undestand…
Here is my code:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”uploads/files_upload/” uploadrole=”all” maxsize=”100″ uploadtitle=”Nom Fichier” uploadpatterns=”*.*” selectbutton=”Sélectionner” uploadbutton=”Envoi” successmessage=”Le fichier %filename% a bien été envoyé !” warningmessage=”Le fichier %filename% a généré des erreurs…recommencez” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”david.bolender@gmail.com” notifyheaders=”Vous avez reçu un fichier !” notifymessage=”Vous avez reçu un fichier !%n%%n%Expéditeur : %username%%n%Nom fichier : %filename%%n%Chemin : %filepath%”]
what error message do you get?
Before purchasing the Pro version of this plugin I installed the free version to see how well it worked.
I got these errors:
Can you help to sort this out? I would like to sort this out before purchasing the Pro Version.
please send me the files of the plugin…. it seems that there is a problem with white space characters at the end of some of these files….
Hi, I sent the files on June 1st as requested.
I teach an html fundamentals class and want to be able to have the students upload all their files so that it does not interact with wordpress’ existing css and images, etc… in other words, a clear upload into an empty directory that does not refer to any other directory, i need them to learn basic ftp. How do i configure this program so i can do that?
The students will upload the files from a WordPress webpage that the plugin will be installed? If yes, then you can set the plugin to upload the files in any directory, so that the students can access it using http://FTP…. can you give me more details?
Will the students upload the files using the plugin? If yes, then the plugin can be configured to upload the files to any directory…. so that the students can then access through http://FTP…. can you give me some more details?
Hi there,
I recently purchased your plugin and I’m struggling to see the same value that others boast about in previous comments. I have 3 major concerns/issues that I need help or would like to be addressed:
1. Is there any way to modify a shortcode using the shortcode editor after you’ve left the editor and come back? Say for instance I have a fairly long shortcode that I need to make a few changes to but would prefer to use the editor to do so instead of manually to minimize mistakes. Will there be some type of “profile” feature soon to save various versions of shortcodes then be able to load and modify them later? I find that pretty necessary in my development efforts.
2. Why are all file links relative to the server and not the web address? I’ve modified the base url a number of different ways and it still simply prepends this to the server url. This makes the “Add to Media Library” feature fairly useless because all the links are unusable since they reference http://mywebsite//myserver/uploads… etc. and I need that feature in particular to accomplish what I was looking to accomplish with my site.
3. Is there any way to fully reset the fields of the editor to blank or default fields? Ever since I made my first shortcode, which went over smoothly, when I come back to the editor, it is full of “random” data in all of the fields that I can’t seem to get rid short of going to each field one by one and deleting them… Only for it to be refilled the moment I change another field or refresh the page. Example:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”%username%” uploadrole=”administrator,client” uploadpatterns=”*.pdf,*.xls,*.xlsx,*.doc,*.docx,*.odt,*.rtf,*.txt” chunk=”true” placements=”filename+selectbutton+uploadbutton/filelist/message/progressbar” uploadtitle=”Upload Documents” selectbutton=”Select Document/Select Documents” uploadbutton=”Upload Document/Upload Documents” successmessage=”” warningmessage=”” errormessage=”administrator,editor,author,contributor,subscriber,client0″ waitmessage=”administrator,editor,author,contributor,subscriber,client1″ notifyrecipients=”administrator,editor,author,contributor,subscriber,client3″ notifymessage=”administrator,editor,author,contributor,subscriber,client4″ attachfile=”administrator,editor,author,contributor,subscriber,client5″ widths=”administrator,editor,author,contributor,subscriber,client6″ heights=”administrator,editor,author,contributor,subscriber,client7″ medialink=”administrator,editor,author,contributor,subscriber,client8″ postlink=”administrator,editor,author,contributor,subscriber,client9″]
The only major thing modified about my site relative to this plugin is that I have a few extra user roles, such as “client”.
If these things could be addressed, that would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, a mildly frustrated developer.
Hi Paulana
1. A feature to compose and store shortcode states in on its way
2. We did not included this initially for security reasons, however it is a reasonable request. For the moment, what you can do is construct the url of the file by yourself by using only the filename and prepending the url of the dir where the files are saved. An additional variable that will do so automatically is also on its way.
3. random data means that there is a bug… we will have to check this… a shortcode composer reset function is also on its way….
Thanks for this valuable info…. we will try to resolve these problems as soon as possible….
Best regards
Nickolas Bossinas
I’ve got the Pro version of your plugin installed and, in general, it’s worked quite well. However the client noticed today that it is no longer working, giving an undefined error whenever trying to upload a file. According to them, there has been no change in the site. I used the debug shortcode and got the following:
Failed upload path: undefined
fileupload:Session failed!
Session Data:
Array ( [wfu_token_1] => 59035659053aaf62edfa103.99170748 [wfu_CAPTCHA_SERVER_URL] => http://services.iptanus.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php [wfu_check_refresh_1] => do not process [chunkdata_fu1ht7TBv7_0_counter] => 10 [chunkdata_fu1ht7TBv7_0_filename] => books_diyspec_v1_1370465693003.pdf [chunkdata_fu1ht7TBv7_0_error] => [chunkdata_fu1ht7TBv7_0_fileuniqueid] => kzYgLDk4ez7RBgkm2xmK )
Post Data:
Array ( [action] => wfu_ajax_action [uniqueuploadid_1] => WKgpB0m3nmEakhCfIUct [params_index] => COBkjWATskrfxKAC [subdir_sel_index] => -1 [captcha_challenge] => _0 [chunk_data] => 0,20254604,20,0,626f6f6b735f646979737065635f76315f313337303436353639333030332e706466 [session_token] => 46533549253aafbf87a2a99.17070850 [unique_id] => 6B4weuMWc9 [hiddeninput_1_userdata_0] => Bob Cram testing larger )
Any idea what might cause the plugin to suddenly no longer work?
Is there an update for the pro-version from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2?
I just try again this plugin after abandoned for months because it did not work …
Now it’s even worse!
With the following code:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”uploads/clients/%username%/” uploadrole=”all” uploadpatterns=”*.rar, *.zip; *.wav, *.mp3, *.flac,*.png, *.jpg” maxsize=”99999″ placements=”filename+selectbutton+uploadbutton/progressbar”]
I get a white square and a “upload file” button. Anything else! Unable to send a file (no select button or drag & drop …)
I use the 3.9.1 version of wordpress and WordPress version 2.4.2 File Upload (pro).
Can you help me please?
Hi Nickolas,
I do not have any idea how to use the Dimensions, please, where are the instructions?
I’ll would like to change the size and color of the font that the user see using the Custom CSS: please, any tip or help will be appreciated.
Best regards,
Hi Nickolas,
Where may I translate the label “No files have been selected!” that appears under the progress bars?
Thanks, regards.
Hi, thanks for your good plugin, I’m using the pro version since a few months. I’ve one question: Is it possible to make the plugin’s file browser in the dashboard accessible for an editor?
I just installed the pro version and got the following error when i activated the plugin… Any info? Help? Please?
Warning: include_once(/home/content/p3nexnas05_data01/46/2175646/html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/lib/.svn): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/p3nexnas05_data01/46/2175646/html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/wordpress_file_upload.php on line 88
Warning: include_once(): Failed opening ‘/home/content/p3nexnas05_data01/46/2175646/html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/lib/.svn’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php5_4/lib/php’) in /home/content/p3nexnas05_data01/46/2175646/html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/wordpress_file_upload.php on line 88
Hello, it seems that the uploader will show only if I am logged in to wordpress.
In our website we are using a password protected page so only clients that know about the password can enter and upload files to us for review. But how can we let them see the uploader window without having them to log in to wordpress?
Got it, had to add uploadrole=”all” to the shotcut. Thanks
Was using Standard (free version) but wanted to upload files larger than 50Mb so I purchased pro.
When I installed pro I get error when I activate:
Warning: include_once(/home/153/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/lib/.svn): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/153/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/wordpress_file_upload.php on line 88
Warning: include_once(): Failed opening ‘/home/153/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/lib/.svn’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/153/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/wordpress_file_upload.php on line 88
Any ideas? It will still upload small files (<50Mb but no larger ones.
Code is:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath="../ftp.com/ClientDropOff" maxsize="1000"]
OK installed new ZIP file and it does not give error when activated..
but still cannot upload files larger than 50Mb.
Turned on “Chunks” Shortcut is now :
[wordpress_file_upload multiple=”false” dragdrop=”false” uploadpath=”../ftp.com/ClientDropOff” maxsize=”1000″ chunk=”true”]
plugin does not write / read special characters (ŚĆŁÓŃ) in filenames in Polish. And probably other non latin. This is is crucial in CV files. . Files are uploaded but special characters like ŚCŁÓŃ / śćółń are replaced with dashes “-”
dit U use UTF8? or only latin?
did you solve it?
The plug-in works great when I am in “admin”. But disappears when I log out.
I bought the Pro version.
HELP asap,
I’m liking the plug-in so far, but I’m getting some errors that the upload has timed out for larger files. I read on this site that it could upload files of any size, regardless of the restrictions of the server, which is why I purchased it. Is there something I need to do on my end to increase the amount of time before it times out? I thought about editing the php.ini file, but it looks like this uses AJAX instead. Any help is greatly appreciated.
How can I tell if I have the “pro” version installed? Does it show up as “pro” in the plugins list? I did purchase the “pro” version and have my receipt email, but I don’t seem to have the “pro” features any more.
I have noticed an issue whilst testing the file upload on my site on my ipad. When I click on the upload button, it only gives me the option to upload a photo, however, I want my users to be able to upload a pdf, mp3 or word document. (file upload works fine on mac) and I have also set the allowed file extensions as: all
Can you have a look into this and try and fix this issue for iPad users?
please use uploadpatterns=”*.*”
this Plugin doesnt Work with an Standard Responsive Design on IOS 7?
Hi, it requires some css customizations probably to show correctly, but its functionalities should not be affected…
I am having the same issue as other seem to have, with the extensions. When i upload certain files, its always saying; file not allowed, but when i change my shortcode so the extension of the problematic file comes first, it works, but then other filetypes fail…?
And no matter what i do the size of the progress bar never changes, its very small.
Everything else is working!
The first point, regarding the extensions is very annoying and almost making the plugin useless at this point 🙁
My shortcode:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadrole=”all” uploadpatterns=”*.zip, *.jpg, *.JPG, *.jpeg, *.JPEG, *.ZIP” maxsize=”100″ placements=”title/filename+selectbutton+uploadbutton/progressbar/message” selectbutton=”Kies Bestand” uploadbutton=”Upload Bestand” successmessage=”Bestand %filename% succesvol geüpload” warningmessage=”Bestand %filename% succesvol geüpload, let op er waren wat problemen.” errormessage=”Bestand %filename% is niet geüpload” waitmessage=”Moment, bestand %filename% wordt geüpload” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”someone@somesite.nl” notifysubject=”Er is een bestand geupload naar de site van voetbalstars” notifymessage=”Hoi User,%n%%n%Het volgende bestand; %filename% is geüpload naar somesite!%n%%n%Met vriendelijke groet,%n%Somesite.nl” widths=”progressbar:600″ heights=”progressbar:200″]
In phpmyadmin, the table wp_wfu_log shows the filepath was like this:
Do you know how to get the full url filepath?
Like this example:-
Thanks 🙂
The full url would be http://www.your-site.com/wp-content/uploads/file.mp3, however you cannot have access to the file like this from the browser for security reasons. For the moment the plugin does not have an option to expose files publicly like this. Only admins can download the uploaded files through the Dashboard. If you want to allow your users to download the files, then you can combine the plugin with a third-party plugin called WPFilebase.
Let me know if you need more info about it….
Hello Nickolas. Thank you for answering to my question 🙂
Actually we are under one project which we currently build an application that required the full url to be access by the application.
The application later will only view the file.mp3 by using the full url – http://www.your-site.com/wp-content/uploads/file.mp3
Its means that user only can view the file.mp3, in order to view the file.mp3, the full url is required. The file only will be shown to the user, not the url.
I don’t know if its still not save to exposes the url that can only be see by the admin.
Do you think i can still can get the full url for the file uploaded?
Thanks 🙂
did you solve it?
Is there a way to allow users upload files without being logged in?
hi, i have buy the pro version, but i have problem with the upload of big file, at the end of upload i receive this message:
Errore! Impossibile caricare il file
Upload failed! The duration of the upload exceeded the time limit of the server. Please contact the administrator.
The upload time limit of PHP directive max_input_time is preventing the upload of big files. PHP directive max_input_time limit is: -1 seconds. To increase the limit change the value of the directive from php.ini. If you don’t have access to php.ini, then add the following line to your .htaccess file: php_value max_input_time 500 (adjust the time according to your needs) The file .htaccess is found in your website root directory (where index.php is found). If your don’t have this file, then create it. If this does not work either, then contact your domain provider.
I have ask to my provider and can’t change the php.ini
Have try the .htaccess but is not working
What i can do?
Hi, is there any chance i put this plugin on only one page, because every time i create a new page it is shonw like the shortcode is in it, its even shown on the home page.
How can I limit the number files the usar can upload
Hi there,
I have your plugin working great – But..
I need to use it in a form (object) and as soon as I do that, the file upload stops working with no error.
So here it is working fine:
Then when I insert that page into an object, the progess bar outline does display but nothing happens.
Any idea how I could get this working?
Thanks in advance,
Administrators can view and manage the uploaded files from the File Browser that exists inside the plugin’s Settings inside Dashboard? Im not seeing any control panel in my dashboard in WP 3.9.2 please advise,
Is there anyone who can help with this plugin installation for WordPress 3.9.2 as its not showing in the dashboard?
Hi there!
Hope you’re having a great week so far!
After someone uploads a file, will I get a email with the file attached?
Thank you,
we are using youir wordpress file upload pro, but.. now when we try to upload files it says upload failed, we have tried changing settings etc but no luck, any ideas?
Thanks for a very good plug-in which addresses a lot of security matters.
I’ve revised wfu_processfiles.php to allow for %userdataXXX% to be included in the redirect link since I needed to pass up an additional field with an upload (I’m just using single file). I then use ($_GET) at the redirect page to pull %fileame% and %userdataXXX%. This is a small but useful feature improvement you might want to include in your next release. Also note that your website documentation says %userdataXXX% commence at “0” but in fact your code is written so that indexes start at “1”.
Can you share your mod?
At this moment I am going to do my breakfast, later than having my breakfast
coming again to read additional news.
Trying to get the short code to send an email to the uploader letting them know their file was received.
Hello. Is filesize in kb, mb, or… iDoes [wordpress_file_upload maxsize=”1000″] allow 1 gb uploads? Thank you.
I am trying to get the actions to work. What should be in the $args parameter for the add_filter as I am pretty sure my code is not being executed.
Just purchased the professional version of this plugin. I’ve found this plugin to be a nightmare to figure out. None of the “?” symbols display any help or explanation. Upload feature from shortcode is totally misaligned on page. Can’t get plugin to work. Where are the step-by-step instructions showing how this plugin works? Where’s the support portal? Is there one?
I’d like to please request a refund of money paid.
Hi from Madrid!
How can I remove js&css in header ?
remove action for wordpress-file-upload on HOME page
function my_conditional_script() {
if (is_front_page() || is_home()) {
remove_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, array(‘???????’);
remove_action(‘wp_print_scripts’, array(‘???????’);
remove_action(‘wp_head’, array(‘???????’);
remove_action(‘wp_footer’, array(‘???????’);
Thank You.
Hi its been one month now and no response to my query, we have purchased the pro version but it doesnt appear in the dashboard, is there any support available for this?
Can your plugin work in the wordpress admin media library?
We need the admins on a site we created to be able to upload video files larger then the filesize supported by their host.
Your pro plugin says it support large file size uploads, by all the documents only discuss shortcodes for frontend uploads and don’t mention anything about admin/backend uploads.
Unfortunately the plugin works only for the frontend pages. However if you put it in a page and add the medialink=”true” attribute in the shortcode, then anything you upload will be added to the Media library of the website. You can also allow only admins to upload files and only specific file types (e.g. videos). The Pro version supports very large files (has been tested for files over 1GB).
Best Regards
gettign msg: Upload failed! The duration of the upload exceeded the time limit of the server. Please contact the administrator.
i have tried everytyhing on internet… and nothing
Hi, what is the size of the file you are trying to upload?
Is it possible to automatically list the subfolders wich are present on the server in the dropdown list ?
This because new folders can be added in the uploadfolder and I don’t want to add subfolders manually each time and then create a new shortcode.
Thnx in advance.
Unfortunately this is not possible with the current version. It will be added in a newer version. I have already taken a note on that.
Best Regards
I want the full path of the file directory as an active link in the email notification for one click downloading of files uploaded.
How can I make that happen?
Also even though multiple files are added when you click on select, is there a way to add multiple form files to select files but just have one upload button to upload multiple files?
I suppose what you mean is to have more that one plugin instances on the same page, but with a single upload button? I had not thought of that. It is not possible for the moment, but I will see how it can be done.
When an ampersand (&) is typed in an userdata-field and then the userdata-field is included in the notification mail, the text after the &-character is missing.
Also it would be nice to select between text/email(with validation)/textarea fileds.
Best regards
this is a bug. I will take a note to fix it in the next version. Your suggestion for more field types is already in the todo list. Thanks for that.
THis extension is not secure !!!
i’ve tested the free module and uploaded a .php file without any problem !!
no test on executable files on server side … be careful ! it does not inspire trust …
thank you very much for this! I will immediately correct it and issue a new release.
Input fields are not visible on updated pages. The widget is installed and activated. The shortcode is placed on the page. When testing in WP the input boxes are visible. After updating the page in WP and closing out of WP, the boxes are not visible. What am I missing?…
what do you mean when you say “testing in WP”? As an admin? If you are not admin, then you need to set the attribute uploadrole to make the plugin visible to other users as well.
Get the following error message when I try to upload files using WordPress File Upload:
“Upload failed! Permission denied to write to target folder.”
Running WordPress on a Windows server. The upload function was working a few weeks ago, and I haven’t made any changes to the site. Not sure what to look for to fix.
Please check the uploadpath attribute to see if it is correct. Please also check the permissions of the upload folder. Perhaps something changed there.
I think I replied in the wrong comment. But is it possible to create a notification that gives me a multiple file path as a clickable link?
Unfortunately no for the moment. However, I will take a note of it for future release.
I’m really disappointed that I bought this plugin because it doesn’t work = there’s no file upload button showing on the site and the instructions are non-existent. I have the same problems as many others commenting on this site. and unless it can be fixed I want my money back too! Lots of wasted time installing/uninstalling the plugin and in reading the supposed support page
this plugin has been tested exhaustively for more than two years in various WordPress configurations and seems to be working fine in most cases and environments. There is a detailed list of instructions, which covers all the options that this plugin has, however it may not be so straightforward for all users, for which I apologize. I strive to create more user-friendly instructions time by time.
Nevertheless, perhaps your problem has to do with plugin configuration. Please send me your shortcode to check.
Hey! I have no idea how to install this plugin more so uploading files into my wp site. Please advice
Hi, after you install it in your WordPress website you need to put the shortcode [wordpress_file_upload] inside a page content (by using the page editor from your Dashboard). Then, the plugin will show up in that page when you load it.
The plugin takes options by extending the shortcode. For instance, if you want all users to be able to see the plugin working (and not only administrators) you can set [wordpress_file_upload uploadrole=”all”]. There is a detailed list and instructions of the plugin’s options in the support page. You can also create more complex shortocodes by using the Shortcode Composer of the plugin, a visual tool to help you configure the plugin just the way you want it.
Pingback: Plugin para upload de arquivos grandes no wordpress | CL-UAT
How to be registered on your site?
Great plugin. And extensive help-pages. Now if only I was an engineer and could actually understand what I’m reading.
1. I cannot get the redirect to work, not even when using a full path with http://. The file gets uploaded succesfully, but then the page just refreshes.
2. I would like to use ftp, but cannot figure out how to write the credentials in the shortcode-form. Not a clue…
can you please send me your shortcode to see if there are any errors?
Possible this plugin is not being updated. Two messages on the contact page resulted in no response. Last comment over a month ago.
I have used the generated short code and does not work:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadid=”2″ uploadpath=”tst” showtargetfolder=”true” adminmessages=”true” placements=”filename/title/confirmbox/captcha/message/selectbutton” uploadtitle=”File Upload” selectbutton=”Upload button/” uploadbutton=”Upload button caption/”]
Hi, what is the error shown?
please view the page and see that the fields do not display
How can I send email from specific address? Currently email is coming from “wordpress@[domain_name].
To change the sender name and email you can set email headers by using the notifyheaders attribute inside the shortcode.
What does this mean:?
It won’t activate
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wfu_enqueue_frontpage_scripts() (previously declared in /home/23464/5440/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/wordpress_file_upload.php:65) in /home/23464/5440/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/wordpress_file_upload.php on line 73
I worked out why it was saying error (i still had free version activated)
_ but the upload plugin does not seem to be visable on iphone.
Do i need to change some of the code to allow this??
and how can I set it so all files get emailed to me?
please send me the shortcode you are using to check your configuration
which version of the plugin do you have? free or Pro?
Just bought plugin but it I am missing one feature:
You can create additional fields that the user must fill in along with the uploaded file.
So how do I do that user MUST fill in as no the fields appear but users can leave them blank. Thank you.
You can declare user fields as required by preceding an asterisk before the the label, e.g. userdatalabel=”Name/*Email” will create two fields one with label Name and one with label Email. Email field will be required, so if the user does not fill it then he will not be able to upload the files (and the field will turn red).
I’d really like to see this plugin work, but I can’t seem to get it to work for the life of me. I keep getting
Upload failed!
File not allowed.
It is a jpg file and only 16kb. I’ve tired .jpg, jpg. I’ve tired the png also and get the same error message.
What am I missing here?
Hi, please send me your shortcode
How does this plugin deliver files from client computer to the server? Does it use secure protocol for file transfer?
For the moment there is no secure connection used (like https). You are the first who asks, so I will put it in the todo list for future upgrades.
Regards, Nickolas
File uploaded successfully but unable to get the email notification to work. I don’t have any other email alert plugins installed. Plugin version 2.4.6. Here is my shortcode:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”client_files” uploadrole=”all” maxsize=”1024″ showtargetfolder=”true” dublicatespolicy=”maintain both” uniquepattern=”datetimestamp” adminmessages=”true” debugmode=”true” placements=”title/message/filename+selectbutton+uploadbutton/progressbar” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”XXX@XXX.com” notifyheaders=”Client Portal: Client Upload” notifymessage=”Dear Recipient,%n%%n%This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new file has been uploaded by: %n%%n%username: %username%%n%email: %useremail%.%n%%n%Best Regards” widths=”selectbutton:100px, uploadbutton:100px, progressbar:200px”]
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Let me check with your configuration to see if there is any bug and will let you know…
I have purchased the Pro version but when choose to view the settings, there is nothing there at all. The options do appear with the free version
Hi, do you have both versions enabled? If yes, please remove the free version completely.
Thanks for a plug-in, works everything perfectly:
but there is one request – settings of a captcha aren’t present opportunity to switch off it for the registered users, and also can be to replace a captcha with another? for example on this:
Hi, your proposal for enabling the captcha only for guests (if I got this right) is an interesting one. I will implement it in a new release.
Regarding captcha, the plugin uses the Google Recaptcha, which has become very difficult and user-unfriendly. I am implementing more security options, visible and non-visible, as well as new types of captcha, however this will take some time.
Best Regards
I noticed your plugin works fine in chrome and IE.
Firefox ver 35 the select files button doesn’t function.
We have the paid version and I took over for another developer.
Baffled why something like a select files button doesn’t open a dialog box to select images on a local computer.
This is the short code
do_shortcode(‘[wordpress_file_upload uploadid=”3″ uploadpath=”uploads/userportfolios%userid%img” uploadrole=”portfolio-contributor” uploadpatterns=”*.bmp,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.gif,*.png” createpath=”true” showtargetfolder=”true” adminmessages=”true” debugmode=”true” uploadtitle=”Upload Portfolio Image” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”Portfolio” medialink=”true”]’);
The drag feature works in all three browsers. Seems to be the file upload button doesn’t work in FF v35 using windows 7 Home Premium SP 1
never mind, i figured it out. you can’t have the short code inside form tags
Hi, I really like your file upload plugin.
Question, if I upload 3 files at one time.
How to I capture what the file names are uploaded
so when I submit a form I can insert one record for each of the files uploaded? I tried the $_SESSION variable, it only lists the first file uploaded.
Hi there I have been using your plugin on one of my clients sites. In order for candidates (its a job site) to upload their CV and have it forward to the main business contact.
It was working perfectly but now for some reason the email notifications aren’t coming through at all?
I have tried changeing the file extensions that are allowed
Changeing the email address that is forwards to
The filesize limit
And none of these things seem to have made any difference.
Could you tell me how to fix this issues please as the email notifications are the main necessity for the plugin use.
Are the files uploaded normally? Have you done any changes to your website (addition of plugins or change of theme)?
I’ve installed and uninstalled twice and every time the plugin reports that the same file name has been uploaded successfully no matter which file I choose. Is this a known bug?
Also changes the name of the file uploaded to the same file name every time
hi, no this is not a known bug, it is the first time mentioned, could you give me some more details, like browser, WordPress theme?
Consistant error in IE 11 and Firefox 35.01 so far. We are using a custom theme based on Bootstrap. I am also seeing “Notice: Undefined index: wfu_check_refresh_1…\wordpress_file_upload.php on line 261” error if that’s helpful.
Nicholas, any word on a fix for the “line 261” issue and the other bugs we mentioned in the latest release?
Hi, sorry for my late answer, yet is was a bug that was corrected in the new version
I get an error message: Notice: Undefined index: wfu_check_refresh_1 in /home/mywebsite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/wordpress_file_upload.php on line 262
I just installed the latest version today. It seems to work, despite the error message.
Update–The error message may have been in a cached version of my website. It seems to be gone now.
Ok, after a third test I’m still not able to send a file and has been since March 18, 2014 🙁
With this shortcode: [wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”uploads/clients/%username%/” uploadrole=”all” uploadpatterns=”*.rar, *.zip; *.wav, *.mp3, *.flac,*.png” maxsize=”99998″ createpath=”true” ftpinfo=”****” showtargetfolder=”true” adminmessages=”true” placements=”filename+selectbutton+uploadbutton/progressbar/filelist/message” uploadtitle=”Uploader des fichiers:” selectbutton=”Sélectionner le fichier/Sélectionner les fichiers” uploadbutton=”Envoyer/Envoyer” targetfolderlabel=”Votre dossier” successmessage=”Fichier(s) envoyé(s) avec succès” warningmessage=”Erreur lors de l’envoi du ou des fichiers.” widths=”all3″ heights=”all0″ filebaselink=”all1″]
I got this error:
Failed upload path: cubefont.zip
fileupload:Session failed!
Session Data:
Array ( )
Post Data:
Array ( [uploadedfile_1_index] => 0 [uploadedfile_1_name] => 63756265666f6e742e7a6970 [uploadedfile_1_size] => 56521 [action] => wfu_ajax_action [uniqueuploadid_1] => e6mMBixtRSWoHIss6VkB [params_index] => 2YGAmRYsOzb3FKbQ [subdir_sel_index] => -1 [only_check] => 1 [captcha_challenge] => _0 [chunk_data] => 0,0,0,0, [session_token] => 188475430954cf78dd66cb00.40043055 [unique_id] => iownZIRqsX )
I use WordPress 4.1 ans Divi 2.2 theme. My host is OVH and I’m in PHP 5.4 if it can help you.
Please help me, I relly need this plugin.
Ok, the problem is solved ! That was an URL problem cause my wordpress and my site url was different. http://domain.com & http://www.domain.com
I’m trying your plugin right now 🙂
For some reason I was able to upload a .ipa file even though I am restricting the uploads extension to only these. I upgraded to version 2.5.1 and it allowed the upload.
uploadpatterns=”*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.mov, *.avi, *.mp3, *.mp4″
Also, the userdatalabel=”rename me” doesn’t seem to allow me an opportunity to rename the file.
Lastly, I purchased the Pro version last year but when I updated to 2.5.1 it says my edition is Free and that I should consider upgrading to the Pro version.
Thank you
Is there something wrong with your plugin. I all of a sudden started getting a fileupload error based on session
Wondering if it has to do with this.
Upload failed! Unknown error.
Failed upload path: another_home_01.jpg
fileupload:Session failed!
Session Data:
Array ( [wfu_token_4] => 149703029654d01e0988e2a7.28869428 [wfu_CAPTCHA_SERVER_URL] => http://services.iptanus.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php [wfu_check_refresh_4] => do not process )
Post Data:
Array ( [action] => wfu_ajax_action [uniqueuploadid_4] => EAnFwcPyK4OkqtDyQsDW [params_index] => KXpeOb2F6hRgHhky [subdir_sel_index] => -1 [captcha_challenge] => _0 [chunk_data] => 0,0,0,0, [session_token] => 88026762554d01e06daac35.25504854 [unique_id] => owU8Lx3kg3 [hiddeninput_4_userdata_0] => M111111M~M111111M )
Can you please send me your shortcode? Normally, wfu_token_4 and session_token should be identical. Are you using more than one instances of the plugin in the same page?
Wasn’t your fault. I put in a tab plugin and incorporated your file upload plugin with slide deck plugin underneath to see the pictures uploaded in a gallery presentation. slidedeck was creating another session. Had to pull out the short code plugin for slidedeck.
Your session comment lead me to the answer.
Is this ever checked????? This is the third post for support!!! If you are going to take money then at least monitor the support questions!!!
Here is the short code:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadid=”2″ uploadpath=”” showtargetfolder=”true” adminmessages=”true” placements=”filename/title/confirmbox/captcha/message/selectbutton” uploadtitle=”File Upload” selectbutton=”Upload button/” uploadbutton=”Upload button caption/”]
here is the page:http://standbyadventures.com/tst-upload/
could you please let me know a solution!!!!
Hello, there is a way to delete multiple files from file browser panel? Actually I can only delete it one by one.
Thank you : – )
not for the moment, you have to delete them one by one… since you asked, I will put it in the todo list for the next release…
Best Regards
Pingback: How to Style Wordpress File Upload Plugin | Iptanus
The plug in has ceased to send the emails when a file is uploaded…
Hi, it stopped suddenly or it never sent emails?
why didn’t you include the following strings
* Text Domain: wordpress-file-upload
* Domain Path: /languages/
to your plugin header (without these you seem not to follow the core rules)!?
Please update and fix!
Thanks Joerg, I will put it in the next release…
Oh and I have a feature request for the PRO version, which I then would consider to buy … please add a download functionality for users 🙂
Yes this also is under development….
Hi Nickolas,
wrote you an email with 2 Questions, maybe those are good hints for other users…
1. How to add timestamp to every uploaded file, not only for duplicates?
2. How to add Additional Form Field to the URL on redirects (And limit input to specific count of characters)
Hi, I will try to issue today an article about how you can add timestamp or in general modify the filename before the upload happens.
I did not quite understand the 2nd one. Can you please be more specific?
Pingback: How to Use Filters and Actions of Wordpress File Upload Plugin | Iptanus
I searched for a good plugin for upload pics. I tested a lot of plugins, but File Upload seems to be the best. So I purchase the plugin.
I understood to late, that the plugin slows down my website extrem.
Without the plugin the site needs 1,2 sec. for loading. With File Upload it takes more than 4 sec. Have you any idea why?
I shut down all other Plugins, but is was the same problem.
Hope you can help me, cause File Upload is very nice to use.
Hi, I haven’t faced similar problems in the past… please contact me via email to help you…
i want to insert 2 variable in notification e-mail.
in recipients i want insert folder name variable, so i can add folder@domain.it in Subfolder selection and send a notifify.
Them i need insert same variable to text message in notify, so i can send a link same as:
It’s possible that?
Tx a lot.
Unfortunately you cannot do this without modifying the plugin code. I have other similar requests regarding email notifications, so I plan to add a filter in the next release that will allow configuring the email components (header, recipients, subject, body).
I am getting the error that some other folks have been getting:
“File background3.png not uploaded
Upload failed! Unknown error.
Failed upload path: background3.png
Permissions are fine, tried with both regular and FTP method – no luck.
Any ideas?
A follow up lo my previous post –
When I disabled Captcha, the error went away. Is there a reason the captcha would fail and cause an upload error even though the captcha response was correct?
is it possible zip file after upload multiple files and them send by email the new file name?
Es. i upload 5 file
3 Pdf
1 Jpg
1 Bmp
After upload it in automatic create a zip file with newfile.zip and add in a body message this file name.
Tx a lot
Yes this would be possible I think using the wfu_after_file_upload action of the plugin, but it would require some php coding…
Where i lookfor this file? i can’t find it.
I’m having an issue with file progress bar stalling at 75%.
Hi there, and thanks for a great plugin! I’m testing it out for a project – if it works for me, then I’ll be buying the Pro version to use the gallery integration. All functions beautifully for me, apart from one thing: the redirect attribute stops working as soon as I add the notifyrecipients attribute. My shortcode is:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadtitle=”Upload your image here!” selectbutton=”choose image” singlebutton=”false” uploadpath=”enlightenment_image_uploads” uploadpatterns=”*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png” dublicatespolicy=”maintain both” redirect=”true” redirectlink=”http://vizchonk.com.gridhosted.co.uk/?p=16″ userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”*Name (required)/*Email (required)/*School (required)” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”name@website.com, name@website2.com” notifysubject=”An EnLightenment image has been uploaded!” notifymessage=”Image %filename% has been received from Name:%userdata1%, Email:%userdata2%”, School:%userdata3%” attachfile=”false”]
This doesn’t perform the redirect. As soon as I remove notifyrecipients=”name@website.com, name@website2.com”
then the redirect attribute works fine. Weird.
Any ideas? Thanks again!
Further to the above: with debug mode on I get
Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for any in xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/lib/wfu_processfiles.php on line 137
Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for any in xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/lib/wfu_processfiles.php on line 153
I take out notifyrecipients=”name@website.com, name@website2.com” then I don’t get this debug message…
With the last version:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wfu_enqueue_frontpage_scripts() (previously declared in \\WAGNER\WWWROOT$\e2937bc3b.hostnd\htdocs\www\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-file-upload-pro\wordpress_file_upload.php:69) in \\WAGNER\WWWROOT$\e2937bc3b.hostnd\htdocs\www\wp-content\plugins\wp-file-upload\wordpress_file_upload.php on line 69
Please check if you have two version of the plugin active…
Thanks, I had the free version. Deleted that and it’s now installed.
I was looking for something that replaces some ftp functionality in my wordpress site..
so that I can make the base directory different for different users.. so they can only upload into their directories..
will this do that?
or if the base url can be different base on what page the shortcode is used on..
The files will go to the directory you set in uploadpath attribute
yes you can make the users upload to separate directories, according to their username, e.g. if uploadpath=”/uploads/inbox/%username%” and the user nickolas uploads a file, this file will go to uploads/inbox/nickolas folder inside wp-content folder of your wordpress website.
Can the users see the file browser on a page?
Hi, not for the moment. You have to combine it with another plugin, like WPFilebase. This feature is under development.
Hello man,
I have a couple of questions.
1. Does this plugin support drop down boxes for the user to select a category the file should go in?
2. Can it be configured to work with Amazon S3?
3. Can it work with very large files (600MB+) eg…uploading in chunks?
Thanks for your time.
1. Yes it does, check askforsubfolders and subfoldertree attributes of the shortcode
2. I do not know, I haven’t tried, I do not find a reason not to, you can check with the free versiob
3. Yes but the Pro version
Best regards
I use pro version.
Captcha is very very difficult. I had to passive.
This plug-in is forcing the database.
Doing continuous operation table. Forexample:
ALTER TABLE wp_wfu_userdata CHANGE COLUMN property property VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE wp_wfu_log CHANGE COLUMN filehash filehash VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL
This plugin when I active, server load is much higher.
I am working on my website and I am NOT a developer. My question is how do you allow the customer to change or delete the file before uploading it?
And second question– how do you extend the field boxes? I see dimension button, but no directions on how to make the fields longer? Your help would be much appreciated in simple terms, as I said, I am NOT a developer. Thank you.
If you are using the free version, then the customer can change the file by just selecting another one. If you are using the Pro version (so multiple files can be uploaded at once), the selected files are shown on a list and there is an (X) button next to each file for deleting it.
Regarding the field boxes, the plugin’s instructions mention how to change their width (and height). The plugin has a Visual Composer in the Dashboard, from where you can configure the shortcode as you want and set any options you want without requiring any develop skills. You can try it out (it is included in both free and pro version of the plugin).
Hello, Is it possible for the administrator to get an email when a file is uploaded? Thanks!
Yes this feature is included, check the notifications in the plugin’s instructions
Great, thanks! I installed the pro version and the email notifications are not being generated to my gmail address. I am using the Pure & Simple 1.0.8 by StyledThemes.com. Upload browser – Firefox 16.0.2.
Thank you,
* Pure & Simple Version 1.0.7
I purchased the pro version and the client site I have it installed on says people are having issues reading the captcha. Is there a way of having easier words to read or implementing a different captcha? Thanks.
this is a known issue. The plugin uses Google Recaptcha version 1, which has become very difficult. We are preparing a new release that will use Google Recaptcha version 2, which is much easier. It will be available in some days.
Thanks Nickolas. I will be looking for the new version!
I want to download the Pro version, but I’m playing around with the free version first to make sure it can do everything I want. The most important feature I need is a confirmation message or even a redirect after the file is uploaded that gives the absolute URL to the file, not just the file path. Is that possible?
Dear Nick,
Plugin looks great however as others have mentioned the administrator notification seems to be finicky to setup. Care to elaborate? Great plugin none the less!
Getting this error:
[17-Apr-2015 18:27:28 America/Denver] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function site_url() in /home1/hideouti/public_html/worldwidehideout/nuovo/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/lib/wfu_constants.php on line 3
Hi just i’ve a little question, i know that i’m really elementary in wordpress.
Can i have a notification or message after each upload for the admin or other users?
tnx a lot for your answer
Yes this is possible, check notification emails in the plugin’s instructions
Best Regards
Nickolas Bossinas
On my site is use WordPress File Upload Pro and i like it very much.
Everything works fine except there is one setting i do not understand.
Memmbers can upload files after login and when they uploaded the files they get an email. As admin i want to get an Cc of that email. I can’t get that working.
These are my settings for Email Notifications:
– Email Recipients : %usermail%
– Email Headers : “Content-type: text/html”
I tried to put my admin e-mailadres in both fields but i think i am doing something wrong.
Can you show my where to put my admin e-mailadres so i get a Cc of the mail.
There’s a file missing from the zip file:
When I try to edit the Plugins, I keep getting this error:
“Failed to delete the shortcode because the contents of the page changed. Try again to delete it.”
SO, I try again, as indicated and this error appears again. I have tried different browsers on a Mac and same thing happens with all of them.
The above error is when I try to delete a plugin. THIS is the error I get when I try to EDIT a plugin:
“Failed to edit the shortcode because the contents of the page changed. Try again to edit the shortcode.”
What theme are you using? Maybe there is an incompatibility.
I am using Elegant Theme’s Divi 2.4 – with the newest version of WordPress, WooCommerce, Divi theme and all the plugins.
I just purchased this plug-in. When I tried to install it I got a fatal error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wfu_enqueue_frontpage_scripts() (previously declared in /home/olgamast/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/wordpress_file_upload.php:71) in /home/olgamast/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/wordpress_file_upload.php on line 79
Please advise.
I note in the readme file:
* It produces notification messages and e-mails.
* You can create additional fields that the user must fill in along with the uploaded file.
Where do I find instructions for implementing these?
OK, I found the support page. Thanks.
But now I have another question. I can see where the uploaded file ends up, but where do the other fields end up? I thought they would be in the notification email.
And another one. Can I have two different notifications:
1. a confirmation to the uploader
2. an alert to the site owner that a file has been uploaded?
And another one: can I integrate this with Paypal? We are running a competition. I need it so that the form only submits if the payment is made. Possible? Please say yes.
Is there a way to lengthen the input field boxes for user inputs? I have added Company Name, Contact Email Address, Contact Phone Number, etc. I’d like the accompanying input box to be different lengths since they are currently quite short and look strange. Thank you.
Pingback: 9-May-2015: Version 2.7.1 of WordPress File Upload Plugin Released | Iptanus
Changing files to not be a required field?
I would like to allow sending the message with empty files field. How can I achieve this?
PS. I am using PRO
Hi, Great plug in! Works really well
could you tell me how to make the customer fill out all info before being allowed to upload the file? so i always get the order number to match the artwork?
Thank you
Please ignore, after a bit more research i have sorted this
Thank you
I’ve tried free version and it was working correctly. I bought pro version yesterday and after install, it doesn’t work.
Whatever I try, I have error “No result from remote server”.
Can you tell me what can be wrong?
It looks like the problem is with google recaptcha. Here is the error I’ve seen in php error log:
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function verify() on a non-object in wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-upload-pro/lib/wfu_captcha.php on line 73